White wings make you fly ch.7

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Chapter 7: The Cave

I woke to the sound of dripping water in the distance, and a warm snug blanket around me. Rubbing my eyes I tried to remember what happened, how did I get here? Where exactly was here, I wasn't sure.

Then it hit me in a rush, the last words said to me. Coming here, leaving Emilio, meeting Alexandru and Aiden. After he told me he was destined to make the world burn my back ached and a sudden pain occurred, I think I lost conciseness. That didn't explain where I was, all I knew is that I was in a cozy little room with stone walls.

Then I realized it wasn't walls as I looked around, I was in the cave which was dimly lit by glowing rocks. I stretched getting up from my bed; the stone was cool on my feet but not at all unpleasant. The room I was in was a cozy; it had a changing area, a dresser and even more. Something about it was comforting though, even though I knew it wasn't a house.

I was interested in this cave, from the outside it didn't look homey at all so I wondered what else was inside. The fact that I slept like, well I've never slept before was a surprise, especially in a cave on a warm feather bed. There was a silky robe hanging up on the changing screen that I tied loosely around my body after stripping out of my gypsy cloths that where muddy and ripped. The fact that no one undressed me was a sort of relief, normally someone wouldn't respect those boundaries, at least that's what I was use to.

Cautiously I walked out of the bedroom, though it had no door and walked down the cave. The walls got tighter, where as the room was wide open and spacious. What intrigued me about the walls where that all of them glowed, and I had never seen rocks that glowed. It was strange; it was like walking in an alternate reality, a colorful one at that.

It wasn't long until I came to another room; it was almost a kitchen, a dining room and sitting room all in one. It reminded me of the Seer's rooms back in the tower. It was cozy and warm though it wasn't exactly spacious. There was even a warm fire burning with a hot mug filled to the brim near it. I was curious as to what was in the mug, but not before I was already drinking it down.

"You must be hungry."

I jumped at the sound, likely I would have spilled the sweet juices that had been in the mug... if I hadn't already greedily drunk it down. "Aiden!" I exclaimed surprised.

"You sound surprised." He said grimly as he went over to the kitchen part of the room. "A villager sent you some noodles; he calls it Miso & Duck. It's one of the best dishes we have; he made a huge vat of it for the calibration. He heard you where unable to attend though, so I offered to bring it to you.

"That's very thoughtful of you." I said softly.

"Hardly thoughtful, the Seer said I was to look out for you and that's exactly what I'm doing. Now I don't know where you will bathe, it's the one thing that wasn't set up in this cavern but I'm sure Alexandru has a clue, he passes through here from time to time and never uses the public showers. The villagers leave gifts and offerings at the mouth of the cave; they will never enter here because it is forbidden. However if you would like produce or some free cash, your welcome to steal it from them." He said sneering.

I frowned into my empty cup, but I did not reply as he took it from me and handed me a steaming bowl. "What's this?"

"Miso & Duck."

"No these long stringy things... aren't noodles round?"

"You've never seen noodles that are long?"

"No, we had potato noodles that where traded to the castle as a delicacy, our cooks never bothered to figure out the recipe because they where so hard and bland."

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