White wings make you fly 1/2 ch.3

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Chapter 3: The room

I sat upstairs while the Seer made tea; Emilio stared across the table at me making me shift uncomfortably. His gaze wasn't unpleasant but nor was it the type of gaze a woman wants when underdressed. I knew nothing about him, but I also was afraid to know. The Seer had a plot, he even knew that I would go along with his plan, and didn't need to ask. I was going to even before I knew I would die if I didn't.

"Do you know the color of your wings?" he asked finally breaking the silence.

"Considering I just found out a few hours ago that I even had any, would you?"

He frowned and rubbed his neck "I suppose not."

"Who are you really?"

He grinned at me "I'm his servant remember?"

"Slave." I shot back "But you're not, a slave as large as you would have scars, or at least wouldn't walk around and speak to Jurar like a nobleman."

"Perhaps I'm a prince where I come from." He suggested raising an eyebrow.

"A prince of lies if you keep this up." I replied snorting. The eerie silence came back, neither of us looking one another in the eye.

"Emilio give her the biscuit!" Called the Seer from upstairs.

"Right, the biscuit." He said fondling his jacket until he found the right pocket. He pulled out a biscuit that was a strange greenish red color. "Eat this."

"No." I replied wrinkling my nose.

"Eat it." The Seer called out.

I growled and snatched the biscuit from Emilio's hand. Staring down at it I frowned unsure still. "What does it do?" I asked as the Seer came in setting down the tea finally.

"It causes dry mouth, invisibility and will help your wings grow back faster." Emilio said.

"Are you serious? I'll be invisible?"

"Half serious, it makes your scars invisible." The Seer replied sitting down.

"But then how dose that make my wings-"

"Less chit chat, just eat it Precious." Emilio said as he swirled his tea around.

I licked it and winced at the taste, I can't describe the taste other then, awful. It was a cross between a rock, salt and mucus. The Seer waited patiently for me to eat it. Reluctantly I wolfed it down and started to gag, if it wasn't for the tea I'm sure I would have vomited, it burned my tongue so badly I couldn't taste the aftertaste.

I sighed in relief and lay back in my chair. "Thank you for the tea."

"Well it would be no use to give you such an important biscuit only to have you spit it up again." The Seer replied chuckling.

"What was so important about it?"

"It's made from special berries that you can't find here. It makes your wings disappear for about two weeks. A lot of winged ones use it as a recovery mechanism; no one can see your wings and the magic that flows in your veins will heal them if they're damaged in that time."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Of course it dose." Emilio replied rolling his eyes. "Wouldn't it be easier if no one could see you to recover? It's less stressful, and that's where magic is, unseen by most until others make it seen."

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