White wings make you fly Ch.10

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Chapter 10: Helping the Helpless

I awoke this morning to Aiden making a wonderful feast of a breakfast. He didn't say a word but with as much food that was stacked I was pretty sure something was up. "Aiden are you ok? Or are you upset about yesterday?"

"Yes I'm fine, I'm not upset. The villagers are leaving you food and it's starting to pile up is all... they would also like to see you, with or without your white wings."

I yawned stretching my arms and my wings; he turned slightly to glance at me. "Not afraid to show your wings today hmm?"

"Not at all."

"It's funny; I've never seen a winged one with only her tips colored."

"Maybe I'm a mixed breed like you then." I said half smiling as I came over to the table piled with food. Alexandru was right about the color, it dyed it a perfect brown.

"Or you fancy using herbs, I can smell them a mile away Ara." Aiden said rolling his eyes. "What's the real color? Are they yellow, speckled? Are you really so embarrassed of them?"

"Yes." I said eating some chicken. "So what do you mean the villagers want to see me?"

"They want an audience with you, to speak with you."

"How long will it take?"

"A while, Alexandru is gone so they know your training is going to be delayed."

"Not delayed, I'm still going to train on my own a bit."

"Is that wise?"

"I don't know, but yesterday I ended up hovering without him so it's better then nothing. I'd rather practice then make no progress."

"Shouldn't you wait until your wings are bigger? I mean I'm sure their bigger then yesterday but..."

"Yes their bigger and it's making me wonder how big they have to be before I can fly. I figure if their nice and strong by the time their big then it'll be easier to learn how to fly. That's why I practice, even if Alexandru is gone."

"Very well, but you still need to appease the villagers. We'll go after you're done eating."

"Let's go now, the sooner I'm done the better and I'm not really that hungry." I replied licking my fingers.

"Are you sure you're... dressed properly to receive an audience? You're wearing the same cloths from yesterday."

"I couldn't find anything else, wearing things when you have wings seem to be a pain."

"Ah, well very well since you're ready I'll look for something while you entertain your guests. However it dose look a bit stained why don't you put on that cloak from last night." He said pointing to the fur coat that was hung up over a chair.

"Sure let's go." I said pulling on the coat and heading towards the mouth of the cave.

"But I have to clean up the food and-"

"Then I'll meet you out there, I'm impatient!" I called skipping to the entrance as I flapped my wings hovering here and there.

When I reached the entrance there was a group of people, and a line that stretched back, it surprised me. I heard cheering from way in the back while those in the entrance just stared at me. I felt my wings flutter nervously as I spotted some cushions that seemed to be set out just for me. I sat a bit shaken by all the people, and two people came up and sat in front of me. One was a large woman, she looked as if she was pregnant and her thin husband who clutched a hat and was balding.

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