Last Kiss (Olivier Giroud)

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“Never thought we'd have a last kiss

Never imagined we'd end like this.”


The sentences rang in her head. Why did Olivier leave her? He told her he loved her, but he left. They had just met to officially break up. It was the gloomiest day of her life; thunder roared outside and the rain showered on her. It was a horrifying day. She couldn’t bare with it.


They were so much in love. They held their hands side by side, walking together, you could see the spark in their eyes-you’d be blind not to.


They’d dance together at parties, even though Juliette wasn’t one for dancing, she savoured every moment. Olivier would laugh whenever he was with her, kiss her whenever he felt like it. They enjoyed it both. It was flawless, people thought, but it wasn’t. Their love story was just good at hiding flaws.


Olivier felt he was a terrible boyfriend, he had a busy career, and he had cheated on her. Cheating is a mortal sin, a mortal sin, they told you, they told you “Olivier, you mustn’t do it, you mustn’t do it ever.”, but he did.


Ja, it was stupid. Wait, HE was stupid. He could see the despair, the misery behind her exquisite eyes. The tears rolling down, at the same time shooting daggers into his heart. She told him goodbye, and left.


He regretted ever doing it, but he fell out of love with her. He didn’t know why, and he felt atrocious doing so.


Juliette looked out the window, staring into space. She knew well she’d have to build a bridge and get over it, but it wouldn’t hurt having a cry to herself.


Not only was her heart crushed, her dreams collapsed as well. Once ago, she had imagined her marrying Olivier, having children, growing old, and living happily ever after.


“So I’ll sit on the floor wearing your clothes, all that I know is I don't know.. How to be something you'd miss..”


How accurate Taylor Swift songs could be! She was wearing Olivier’s jersey, with a hint of his scent-a light hint of lavender, even if it sounded womanly. She wondered if they could ever be together again, if they could fulfill her dreams..

She hoped on a sunny, beautiful day, he would realize they were meant to be, and he wished he had stayed....


~~~1 year later~~~~


“Is Olivier doing alright?” she asked Yohan [Cabaye] when she had coincidentally met him at the shopping mall.


“He’s doing okay since the break-up between you two….How about you?” he asks a bit awkwardly.


“I’m doing fine. I sometimes read articles about Olivier.” she smiled. “Tell him I hope he’s doing well, and it’s nice where he is.”


“You guys have moved on, huh? That’s great Julie, that’s great.”

The female waved at the midfielder, and turned. Maybe it wasn’t that bad after all, she knew Olivier would always keep a special place in her heart, and all memories would be cherished romantically, just like their last kiss.


So guys, this is a one-shot about Olivier Giroud. Inspired by 'Last Kiss'-Taylor Swift, because I just LOVE that song.


Dedicated to @giroud07, since she made my day-make that month-voting on chapters and encouraging me to write more. And her username kind of explains 60% too.


Sorry for not updating, I had exams and I was studying my butt off on Veteran's Day. The BVB fanfic shall be updated soon this weekend.

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