Are you sure? (Aaron Ramsey)

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“Um, Aaron, what happened to your glasses?”


Aaron Ramsey and Charlie Johnson were both no one special. In fact, they were literally the background and shadow of everything social. These two nerdy kids who spent half their life in the library, wearing hand-me-downs from their older siblings, who talked to no one except each other.


Kids, let me tell you Aaron Ramsey changed himself 360 degrees.


He turned up at school wearing trendy Nike clothing, styled hair and contact lens. See, Charlie being his closest best friend, it was a bit of a shock.


“You like it?” he asked. ‘Idiot, Aaron, this is phony…’ she thought to herself.


“It’s fine, Aaron. But what happened to your normal clothes?”


“It’s the first day of high school, I don’t want to be teased, Charlie. The 90’s movie about high school aunt Gretchen showed me kind of got up my nerves… But hey! We’re still besties, aren’t we? Charlie, you know I’ve always wanted to popular, at least for a while.”


“Alright. As long as I don’t catch you putting make-up when we’re out of school. At school, I don’t really care.” she shrugged. Yeah, this new ‘jock’ of Aaron was cute, but it bugged her how others wouldn’t see his true colors, his flaws that made him perfect. Seeing Aaron so focused into his hair made her wonder where the Aaron she knew had gone.


“Hey! Who’s that cute boy?” the school’s mean girl whispered.


“It’s the little nerd from last year.” another girl told her.


“OH. EM. GEEE. He’s like, so HAWT!”


She rolled her eyes. These girls just judged guys on their appearances, they don’t care about their personalities. Those poor guys who looked slightly unattractive were always kicked, even they had huge hearts, were the nicest guys anyone could ask for, and never hated the smallest little thing. She knew they’d find their other half in no time. She herself liked them, although the feelings were never further than friendship. It’s because her Prince Charming is too charming now, he’s basically a magnet to teenage girls. His name starts with Aa and ends with ron. Easy equation. Aa + ron = Aaron. Yep, she was in love with Aaron, he was always sparkling to her, designer clothes or not.


After school, Aaron kept his promise; he himself didn’t enjoy the hours before school slapping pounds of hair gel on his head. He kept his messy brown hair like normal, took his contact lens off, wore his old baggy t-shirts, not only because Charlie disliked the popular him, he was comfortable when he was his normal self around Charlie.


“People have been gossiping about your love life. So what’s your ideal?” Charlie asked him to see if he would like her in a way deeper than friendship-indirectly, of course.


“Hmm..I’m not sure? She should be mature, compassionate, pretty maybe? How about you Charlie?” Ouch. That was nothing like her.

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