Fault (Wojciech Szczesny)

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“I want you.” the stranger whispered.


By this time, Wojciech was too drunk to be on his right mind. He agreed.


And that, my friends, was the regret of his life.


He cheated his girlfriend of five years, just like that. For some random model he met at a bar. That one night stand ruined it all. All.


The next morning, he woke up, in an unthinkable situation. Sleeping with a girl other than Felicia. Naked in bed. Hangovered as hell.


“Who are you?” he screamed in utter confusion.


“Who are YOU?” the girl shrieked.


“I’m Wojciech,” he said, trying to calm down.


“I’m Eva. But did we-?”


“Explain why I’m naked.”


“Look, I’m just as confused as you are,” she snapped. “So let’s just pretend this never happened.”


He agreed. He wasn’t too dumb-but he was dumb to have this ridiculous one night stand with this stranger. He wanted Felicia, not Eva. So they parted ways, and he vowed never to sleep with another girl ever again. I mean, alcohol was the main factor he did so, but he was at fault too.


He didn’t tell Felicia. He was concerned about how she’d react. Felicia was the love of his life, he couldn’t bet on their relationship. He’d never. They walked on a fragile line, it was evidently obvious, but he never thought he’d live to see it break. He was sure that he had everything figured out.


However, things don’t go to plan.


Four months later, on Felicia’s birthday, Wojciech was prepared for the next big thing-marriage. Ring in hand-a very expensive one-he kneeled down to ask the four words of a girl’s dream.


“Will you marry me?”


Felicia-madly in love with Wojciech as well; accepted. They embraced, making such an adorable scene while everybody clapped. A dream come true. A happily ever after, wasn’t it?




A figure from Wojciech’s past unintentionally ruined it.


She had three letters in her name: E-v-a. Yes, Wojciech unintentionally cheated on Felicia with this woman. Eva wasn’t there for Wojciech’s money, she told him something that changed his life forever that night.


Seeing him walking hand in hand with Felicia, she requested to talk with him in private. Felicia didn’t agree, so Eva had to break the news to the newly engaged couple: She was pregnant with Wojciech’s child.

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