Good Way (Lukas Podolski)

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Today’s the Champions League match-day against Galatasaray. Arsenal lost to Stoke in the Premier League the match before, and so Wenger wants the team to win, badly. Emotions play an important role in your performance, or whatever Lukas said. He’s not doing emotionally well, he hasn’t been playing often but he wanted to badly. The new boys, Sanchez and Welbeck, have literally stolen Lukas’ place, and I hate that. Sure, I’ll admit Sanchez is okay, but Lukas deserves to play instead of Welbeck. It’s just so.


I miss the times Lukas scored last season, or the times at Koln. He would always dedicate his goals to me, and I’d be that one girl beaming in the stands. He made me feel so special. But I don’t know how to make him feel special-I’m just a normal girlfriend. How are you supposed to be ‘normal’ when you’re a footballer’s girlfriend? Lukas deserves much more. I see all the Victoria Secret models, the singers, the super kind and talented housewives..and I’m just me. Me. Nothing more than a normal bypasser.


With all my efforts, I could make him some dinner. No, I’m rubbish at cooking. Buy a present? No, that’s too unoriginal. Persuade him to watch a movie? No, that’s just awkward. Lukas doesn’t really like to do anything in particular besides football, yet he’s so good at things. He’s the humane soul, the humorous, jolly, caring one. He’s the one you’d risk your life for. I love him so much, and I know he does too, but I’m not good enough for him. He deserves more.


There’s him, sleeping in our room. He’s exhausted after practice and he works tirelessly, but no one sees it. I haven’t really had a proper conversation for the past two months because all he does when he gets home is sleep. He’s working hard for that starting position, to please the fans and score. Sometimes I wish he could please himself besides me and the fans. I can imagine the rumpus going around in his brain, never ever worrying about him, just about others.


I just wish I could help him get that starting position……




“So, Ms. Faehrmann, you’re requesting that I let Podolski start in the Champions League match?”


“Yes,” I nodded. “Please, Arsene, Lukas really wants to play. There’s the burning passion that runs through his veins, he always wants to start. His desire is simply too apparent. So if you could make an exception today, I would be indebted to you. Please.”


“I usually don’t let the players start when their girlfriends beg, but I’ll think about it.” Arsene replied, resuming to planning formations and strategies. “You may be excused, Ms. Faehrmann, as I need to continue my work. I prefer to work in silence.”


I nodded nervously and walked out. Per was lurking outside the door; he had probably noticed me walking into Arsene’s office. “So, Delmi, what brings you here?”




“Then why were you talking to Wenger?”


“Keep this a secret from Lukas, will you?”

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