Revenge of the Sluts

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A story unlike many YA/teenage books on this site. If you're looking for a modern, non-cliche and thrilling plotline then do not pass this one up.


FIRST, there was the email of nude photographs sent to everyone at St. Joseph's High School. THEN, there was the assignment that forced Eden Jeong to write about it for the school newspaper.


After a mass-email containing nude photographs of female students was sent to Eden Jeong's entire high school, she immediately knew that things were going to change and most likely for the worst.

She just hadn't anticipated change would come in the form of Sloane Mayer, a girl who had seemingly nothing to lose and only one goal in mind - raising hell.

She also hadn't anticipated that she would be given the assignment of covering the Nudegate scandal for the St. Joseph's student newspaper.

And most importantly, she really hadn't anticipated being caught right in the middle of the scandal and put in the position of needing to track down the mysterious "Eros," the mastermind behind the email.

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