III: The Great Crash

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Tuesday 29th October 1929
Ajax, Toronto, Canada

Today, the Toronto Stock Exchange Market has crashed which means that a lot of people are going to become unemployed, due to the decline of production, a struggling agriculture and liquidated loans are also the cause. It is going to devastatingly affect everyone up and down the country so I know that we're all going to be affected by it one way or another, because now the band's record company have no money coming in so that halts the production and releasing of their albums and I'm pretty sure schools all across the country are affected as well, so that means that Stephen is also suffering from this sudden economic crisis as well as the rest of us. He might even start questioning why, A: Why his Dad and Uncles aren't able to produce and sell their albums? And B: Why he isn't able to go to school?. But, how do you explain what is happening with a stock market to a seven year old, who will probably not have a clue of any of the "big words" that you're using as a way of an explanation?. But, if that's the case then we would try and explain it in a way that he understands and also, unlike a lot of kids who would be happy that they're getting time off school; Stephen on the other hand isn't very happy that he has to stay off school for however long, but what does he expect us to do? That's just how it is. Or, unless we tried to home school him for the time being? But, I wouldn't have a clue how to do it but I guess we'll never know how we'll cope with it until we give it a try and see how it goes from there. I don't know how long this crash is going to last, I hope not for long because how are we going to survive with a struggling agriculture and only the one income? I really hope the government does something to try and end this or try to help us in some way that we can still get by to some extent whilst this sudden financial crisis is still occurring. The government's response to the stock market crash and the rise in unemployment is that PM William Mackenzie King believes that the crisis is going to pass, he has refused to provide aid to our provinces and has only introduced moderate relief efforts. With this negative response from the federal government which wasn't one that we were expecting to receive, which is definitely going to cause an angry uproar all across the country. Why should we have a selfish individual in power? We clearly need someone who actually cares about their citizens and their country. If something doesn't get done to help us all through this economic embarrassment, then we may have to take matters into our own hands and try and put an end to this unforeseen turn of events which will affect everyone in the country.

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