Nightmares were better

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I woke up to a terrible splitting headache.

  "Ah my head" I mumbled, holding my hand to my forehead and clutching it tightly. I grimaced from the intense pain and curled up, desperately trying to rid myself of it.

But alas, it didn't go, so I was left with the unfavorable option to bear with it.

  I tried to remember where I was, and instantly the events came rushing back to me. My friend..that street..the car crash. Wait, exactly how long had I been out?

  With a little effort I opened my eyes, and instantly shut them from the merciless attack of the seemingly blinding light which felt like knives to my eyes.

"Oh god, that light" I muttered in annoyance. "Why do hospitals place it there?"

  Soon enough though, I squinted open my eyes again, but luckily this time I managed to keep them open, barely if not a lot. And when my eyes readjusted themselves to the light, I was greeted by the familiar face of my allocated hospital room: the TV in front of me, the nurse's phone on the wall, and the surgical table to my right which had a manner of nightmare inducing instruments on it.

  As it should have been, everything was in it's proper place, and everything felt alright. The atmosphere was also the same, pleasing yet uninviting, warm yet cold.

So why did something

  Call it a gut instinct, or just a silly thought that a fourteen year old boy would have, but I couldn't deny that something did in fact feel odd.

  But I wasn't going to sit in bed and lounge about till the nurse came to check on me. No indeed, I was most definitely not that type. If I wanted answers, I got them myself.

  Gingerly I slipped my legs out from under the sheets, and then the rest of myself, before letting out a little yawn and stretching my arms.

  With a slight smile I got up and immediately the sleeves of my clothes fell down, covering my entire arms and legs. I sighed and thought of how ridiculous I must have looked there and then, wearing clothing material three sizes too big for me. This was courtesy of the hospital staff, but though it admittedly was a little bit of a nuisance, I didn't want to put any blame on them. After all, it wasn't their fault they didn't have clothes my size, and I wasn't the type of person to make someone else feel guilty for a mistake that person couldn't be held accountable for.

I grabbed the phone off the wall, and dialed in the number for the front desk.

The bell went, went on for a while, before the call ended by itself.

  "Huh" I thought to myself. That was odd. There was always someone at the front desk, always, every hour of the day, every day of the week.

  "Perhaps I should go outside" I said to myself, unsure if I should leave the confines of the room or not. It didn't seem right that no one would be there to answer my call, and there was another thing I had just noticed.

  The place wasn't this quiet. It hadn't been this quiet even at 3 am in the morning, and I knew that. Not to say the place was chaotic, but there always was the light sound of walking, or some nurse rolling a table across the hallway, or the guy in the room adjacent mine watching television in a volume which was a tad bit too loud. Whatever the case had been, there had always some sort of sign there were people here.

But right now there was neither of those signs; not a single sound, not one.

  I stood in debate with myself. Part of me told me to exit the room and search for someone, but the other, larger part of me told me to stay in bed and sleep away this weird situation.

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