The stars should have looked beautiful

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  I hurriedly considered my options. I could either try to hide, fight the lifeless, or escape through the door.

  None of those options were viable. There was no place in the room to hide, and besides, if the zombies were capable of tracking me to my room, then they no doubt would be more than capable of finding me under the bed. No doubt they'd be more than capable of catching me should I try and run. Besides, judging by the amount of shrieking I could hear outside..they were definitely not few in number. And as for fighting, a dagger barely held up against one undead person.

I had to think of something else.

Wait..the window!

  I opened the latch to the window and pushed with all my might, but it just wasn't budging. I glanced back at the door swiftly, my heart beating faster than ever now. I had to get this window open! "Come on, come on!" I shouted, taking three steps backwards, before charging straight in to the window.

  A loud crash followed as the glass shattered and window broke off it's hinges, the whole thing save for it's frame falling down to the ground far below. I gasped. Partly in surprise that that had worked, but much more so in pain as I felt a sharp stinging sensation in my upper right arm.

  And just as I thought things couldn't get worse, I heard a ear deafening crash behind me, followed by several loud shrieks, and they were now clearer than ever before.

The door was now open.

  Not looking back I ran to the window and carefully pulled myself out, placing both my feet on to the thin ledge. Just as I did that, I saw the first zombie climb over the bed.

  This only inspired me to move even faster. As fast as I could, I moved away from the window, and just in time too. The very moment I lifted my hand off of the window sill, one of the lifeless ran straight in to it, clawing at the sill, missing it's target by nothing more than a millisecond or two.

  It took all my will to not freeze from fear at that moment. I was not in the clear yet, not by any means. I started moving as fast as I could away from the window, which was at an agonizingly slow speed. And inch by inch, I moved away from the horde of the lifeless.

I was making good progress....until I made the huge mistake of looking down.

  It doesn't matter if you are scared of heights or not, or if you are a kid or a grown man; looking downwards from where I was, was the biggest mistake anyone could make.

  Vertigo assaulted me, and my vision blurred. I started quivering, and tried pushing myself further back against the wall, but it was of course of not use; i was already as far back as I could go.

"C..come on Z..Zack, m..move" I stuttered to myself, "D..don't s..stop"

  I could feel my knees shaking violently, and I was certain the blood had drained from my face. I was quickly losing the will to go on. Why couldn't I just go back in to the room? I'd die later anyways, why put myself through the trouble of surviving when in the end I'd fall victim to something like cold or hunger, if not at the hands of the lifeless?

  I looked back to the window. It was so close, just..two to three paces to the right. I could go back and be safe...

  "No!" I chided myself, "You are not going back! You've come so far, you're efforts can't be for nothing! And you are not dying to anything! Now get moving!"

  I shakily nodded, and keeping my back pressed firmly against the wall, I edged further and further away. I repeatedly told myself to not look down, and kept my eyes fixated on the wall, not wanting to make the same mistake again.

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