Visions and Confusion

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Before we start, this is the very first fanfic in the AoT/SnK-Universe I had started. It was written out years ago when I first watched and fell in love with EreRi and Attack on Titan.

This chapter is dedicated to all of my readers and followers out there who have stuck with me so far. Thank you so much for being here. Without you I would probably not be writing period.

Song above is How To Save A Life by The Fray.

Enjoy this lovely story I have gifted to you all dear readers.
~Levia Jäger - Edited December 3, 2019.

Update - last edited March 25, 2020

Second update - last edited April 12th, 2020


Eren's POV

DAMMIT! Why am I letting them all die!? Why can't I shift!? Why am I hesitating!? I can take her out and save everyone! Why won't they just let me!? I flew through the air, Petra, Gunther, Eld, and Oluo surrounding me in a protective circle.

"Eren! Don't you trust us!? Don't you trust the Levi Squad to keep you safe!? If so then keep moving! We need to get out of here!" Petra shook me out of my thoughts, making me glare in anger as I kept my eyes forward and zipped through the trees.

"I do believe in you guys!" I shouted over the sounds of our ODM Gear. I zipped through, pausing as the rest kept going, only stopping when they realized I had. "But I'm sorry! I can't just do nothing! I don't want to watch you die if I could have done something! Keep going!"

I bit into my hand hard enough to draw blood. The last thing I saw was the disbelief in the faces of my comrades.

Levi's POV

I was refueling my tanks when a bright flash of yellow lightning followed by a feral roar sounded through the woods. Right away I knew it was the shitty brat ready to take on the Female Titan. I glared in the direction of the sound, silently cursing the stupid boy for putting himself in harm's way.

I got the tanks back on secured and zipped through the trees, eyes landing on my team as they shot past and away from the fight.

I spotted Mikasa aiming herself at the fighting titans, in which I shot by and grabbed her by the waist, startling her in the process.

"Let's not interfere. Keep going at the previous distance. Only interfere when absolutely necessary." I ordered.

"But Captain-!" I stopped her with a glare as she huffed and maneuvered at the distance I proceeded, eyes glued to the Female and Attack Titans in front of us as they fought hand-to-hand against each other.

Eren's titan had managed to pin the Female Titan beneath him, screeching in her ears in a battle cry. The Female Titan just twisted the Rogue off her and stood facing him, fists hovering over her face.

The Female Titan moved, pulling a fist back and lifted the opposite leg in the air. Everything happened in slow motion. The Rogue Titan, Eren, stood there motionless. The Female Titan shrieked as she swung her leg up and into the Rogue's head, detaching it from the body almost completely.

He fell to the ground on his knees, landing in a heap. The Female Titan didn't look sated; however, because it lunged straight for the nape, taking a huge chunk out, leaving Jäger exposed, but otherwise whole. She bent down and snatched him up, locking him in her jaw as she ran off in the opposite direction of them.

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