Within Your Heart, A Story To Be Told

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Levi's POV

I lay in bed with Eren by my side, his arms securely holding me tight. I felt safe, content, relieved. We were once again leaving the walls. Except this time me and Eren weren't going to return. Six hundred meters outside the walls lay the ocean. A vast body of water filled with salt, so much it's near impossible to drain it or separate the salt from the clutches of the water. The land surrounding it covered in soft, thin, brittle sand.

There was a spot in the trees, Eren said, that would make the best place to build a home for me and Eren and our daughter. It'll also be a great place to shelter our son once he's born.

We're both hopeful that it'll be a boy. A Deryk. A son to spoil and teach to fight. A son to take hunting. To take fishing. To teach to swim and walk and speak and to be...free.

Hanji said she was going to come with us. For my health, and our friendship. And because she is family and has no intention on leaving us anytime soon. Eren's friends are the same way. Pretty soon there will be a village on the waterfront. Full of laughter, joy, happiness, family, friends. Freedom.

Now aware that Eren is on borrowed time, having lived nine out of thirteen years as a titan shifter. I'll admit, I'm not ready. I've already lost him once. I don't want to again. Nady will be seven years old, Deryk four. Old enough to remember his dad, but not enough to bond.

Nadetta will have a better vision of him, and the death will be more heart breaking for her, just as much as it will hurt me. Eren had already accepted his fate the moment he became a Scout. He just wasn't ready to leave his family behind. Not again.

I've already promised him that in this life, and in the next, I will love him, and I will wait for him. I will be ever loyal and I will not, under any circumstances, be romantically involved with another man or a woman for that matter.

If I manage to forget him in the next life, he already promised that he'd do anything in his power to help me regain every one of them. We sealed the promise with a night of passion, despite my bulging belly. He took me gently, slowly, passionately, from behind the night before, as it was the only position that didn't make it awkward for him while he held me and praised me with butterfly kisses and soft brushes of his hands on my hips, my back, the back of my neck, through my hair, my thighs. The look in his eyes when he turned my head to kiss me as we both climaxed together, his hand gripping my shaft lightly as he stroked it to his movements.

"Levi. I'm here to inform you of the expedition date. Are you decent?" Petra voiced through the door.

"No. I'll get Eren up and we'll both be out shortly." I called back, sitting up and pulling myself out of Eren's arms. I shook him awake eagerly, hurriedly trying to simultaneously put on my shirt and pants. I was resorted to wearing civilian clothes because the issued Scouts uniform was starting to be a strain on my body as I grew closer to delivery.

He stirred and sat up, hands rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he asked "What's wrong, Love?"

"Petra has information on the next ongoing expedition. We need to get up and dressed." I informed, pulling him up and placing a chaste kiss on his lips before letting go and stepping out.

I nodded at Petra and followed her to the canteen. "You wanna wait until Eren is here?" I nodded again.

We sat at a table and waited a few minutes for Eren to come in and hear about the expedition. The doors swung open and the brunette walked in with a tot in his arms. He stepped up to me and Petra, landing a kiss on my forehead as he sat down. Nadetta climbed into my lap, messy kiss pasted on my cheek as she got comfy in my arms. My belly protruded too far out for her to properly sit in my lap, but we managed with Eren's arms around us both.

"Okay! Now that you both are here, I can get down to business. Hanji set the date to a months time, making it okay for Levi to leave with us as well as long as he agrees to stay in the carriage." Petra briefed us, a smile bright on her face.

I lit up at that."I get to finally leave. After all these years of hoping and wishing and praying, I finally get to leave the walls." Tears rolled down my cheeks, mostly from the hormones making me more sensitive, but also from the sheer joy I felt of being able to move out of the walls and by the beach with Eren and our children.

Eren and Nady both hugged me, kissing each cheek as Nady giggled and Eren laughed happily. We ate breakfast and me and Nady watched Eren train the new bouts of cadets. Two months after the announcement of my pregnancy, cadets came in fresh from training, dubbing them the 105th trainees squad. Really there was no need to bring in more kids, but whatever, fuck.

Finishing our meal Eren picked Nady up and we dropped her off in Hanji's office. We went to my office and I did my paperwork, turning them in to Hanji once they were finished.

"Eren. I'm tired. Carry me home. Nady can stay the night with Petra or Hanji. I want to cuddle naked in bed. Please?" I mumbled into his chest, raising my head to jut out my lip and widen my eyes into a small pout.

Eren just smiled and swept me up into his arms. He kissed my lips and temple as he cradled me to our cottage. He undressed me and stripped down, pulling the quilt back to crawl in and spoon me as he covered our nude bodies. I sighed and closed my eyes, falling asleep.


Eren's POV

I climbed my steed, stumbling on the saddle as I settled into it. I caught the worried gaze of my husband and friends. I just smiled and looked forward. Petra gave me Nadetta, situating her on my lap as she tied her to my chest securely. I placed a hand on her back, rubbing softly without waking her. I gripped the reins tightly in both my grasps, pointing my heavy, dark green eyes towards the front.

Beside me I saw Levi settle his horse by me. An arm reached over and rested on my arm in comfort. I turned and leaned over to kiss his lips, reassuring his concerned mind. Twisting forward I listened to Hanji speak, her voice sounding far away. When I caught the words "Move out!" in the midst of my mind, I raised the reins and slapped them down, following her out into the unknown.

1210 words

Updates might be slow or late! I'm sorry in advance for that! Hope you enjoyed this at least!

Song above is Life Eternal by Ghost.

I will also mention I have an idea on how I want to end this! So when I do finish this, I ask you all, please don't hate me! There will be a sequel! I promise!

Ps : the next chapter might be the last, sad to say. My first finished work. Hoh boy this was a journey. Thank you all.


Update - edited March 25, 2020

~Levi Jäger

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