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Three months later [ Levi's POV]

I sat in Hanji's lab feeling bored and empty. Me and Eren have been married for three months, and I was already lost without him by my side.

My body and mind both craved for something more in this small family we made of the two of us. It felt like something was missing in our lives. I just didn't know what.

What is it? Our deceased parents? Our noon-existent siblings? Eren has an adopted sister, so he's not really missing any siblings. The two people I thought of as family, as a little sister and brother, are both dead.

Can't be friends because we're literally crowded with them every day. We have no time for pets. Or the resources to take care of one.

Kids? I- My chest tightened and my breath got caught in my lungs when the word "kids" popped into my mind. Kids? Is it kids? We're both guys.We can't really have kids. Plus, we're both soldiers. We have our own separate duties to do in the military. How are we to care for children? Their messy, but teachable. Loud, but can be obedient. Hyper, but can be easily put to sleep.

"Hey, Levi! You've been sitting in my office all quiet like since you came in here. Anything on your mind?"

I looked to my best friend and shrugged. "I'm just thinking. Nothing to worry about, Hanji."

"Are you sure? You don't normally sit in the same room as me unless you actually need to talk to me. Is something on your mind bothering you? I can help you. All you have to do is ask."

I sighed, knowing she was right. "No. I'm not sure. I've been thinking about me and Eren. I feel like something is missing in our life, and I think I know what it is."

"Care to tell me what it is?"

I stiffened in my seat, unsure if I should or not. I decided to just get it out of my system before I went crazy. "Kids. We're both guys, and soldiers, so how do we have and care for children? I don't hate them. Their teachable and moldable. I'm not worried much. I'm just trying to figure out if my subconscious wants them or not."

"Ooh! Shortie is thinking about having his hubbies babies!? I can help you with that! I just need time to find a way to get you a uterus and an ovary!"

"A what and a what?"

I don't understand this woman at all some times.

"Those are the organs in the body that hold the eggs and the baby until the mother births them." She explained slowly.

I nodded with a frown, mind racing with questions and doubts.

Does Eren want kids? Would he accept being a father? Is he ready to take on this responsibilities? Do I want to take on the role of a mother? Am I ready to be a mother?

Would I be a good mother? Would Eren be a good father? Would we be good parents?

"-vi! Levi! Are you listening to me, Shortie!?"

I shook my head and looked up at Hanji as she screamed my name for my attention.

"Yes? What did I miss?"

"I said I'm going to create a drug that will be in liquid form. It will put you through pain at first, but that's only so your body can make room for the organs developing in your body."

"Yea. Okay. I can do pain. I'm not some weak-ass like the soldiers I have to watch over every day."

"Hey! Some of those soldiers do a lot around here courteous of your OCD-ness and control over them despite the fact that a lot of them look up to you...hehe..."

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