100 things to do in life

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1. Spending days in London
2. Learn to play an instrument perfectly
3. Having perfect white theet
4. Living a healty life
5. To get my driver licence
6. Study my dream subject
7. Finding a job i love to do
8. Having my own apartment
9. Spending days in Canada
10. Playing Poker in Vegas
11. Climbing in the Grand Canyon
12. Visiting the Walk of Fame
13. Being on top of the Golden Gate Bridge
14. Visiting Disney World!
15. Get a kiss at the top of the Empire State Building
16. Going on a road trip
17. Having a small meaningfull tatoo
18. Becoming a good dancer
19. Spending vacations with friends
20. Having a huge shopping trip
21. Having a new phone i am in love with
22. Finding the love of my life
23. Going on a world tour
24. Being on a crazy concert
25. Bungee jumping
26. Having a Collection
27. Having my own car
28. Throwing my own huge party
29. Swimming with dolphins
30. Skydiving
31. Taking a shower under a waterfall
32. Sleeping under the stars
33. Learning how to surf
34. Kiss on top of the Eifle Tower
35. Going to a huge Halloween Party
36. Having long perfect hair
37. Have a paint fight
38. Make my parents proud
39. Being able to speack with the British accent
40. Having a new year kiss
41. Get myself into shape
42. Speack another language fluently
43. Seeing the Niagara Falls
44. Meet someone famous
45. Having my own famous blog
46. Attend on a mazquerade ball
47. Attend on a holy party
48. Complete the ,, 21 days without candy challange''.
49. Piknik in spring
50. Read more books
51. Being sun tanned
52. Donate money for charity
53. Save your mamories
54. Have a photo shoot
55. Being married
56. Have your own child
57. Have your own pet
58. Being more creative
59. Learn how to drow
60. Being on a safari trip
61. Spend time in Australia
62. Learn how to skate
63. Have water fights with friends
64. Have your own walk in closet
65. Have your own shop
66. Learn how to bake
67. Have your own library
68. Have friends all over the world
69. Being more confident
70. Get drunk with my best friend
71. Desigh your own clothes
72. Learn how to cook
73. Try new things
74. Do a voluntary social year
75. Remember yourself to be proud
76. Do your own room decoration
77. See figures in the clouds at sunset
78. Living life at 100%
79. Laugh more, cry less
80. Be the queen of your own world
81. Din't worry, be happy!
82. Watch the fireworks with the person you love
83. Ride on a London Buss
84. Spend more time with family and friends
85. Go on a colour run
86. Recive a bouquet of roses on Valentine's Day
87. Buy a get away house
88. Meet Angelina Jolie
89. Own a Polaroid camera
90. Learn how to do a perfect make-up
91. Go on morning runs
92. Write a letter to myself and open it in ten years
93. Go to U S A
94. Have my own book
95. Climb Mount Himalaya
96. Have a boy sing to me
97. Write a letter to a random adress and see if they write back
98. Have a boyfriend
100. Acheve all my goals and life life like there is no tomorrow!

That's all guys. This chapter btw is for a good friend of mine teocostache. Enjoy!

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