Winter Tale

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What if , once upon a time, there were no stars in the sky at all?

What if the stars are not what we think?

What if the light from afar doesn't come from the rays of the distant suns, but from our wings as we turn into angels...

Destiny calls to each of us. And there ia a world behind the walls where we are all connected. All part of a grat moveing plan.

Magic is everywhere around us. You just have to look. Look. Look closely.

For even time and distance are not what they appear to be.

We are all conected. Each baby born carries a miracle inside. A unique purpose and that miracle is promised to one person and one person alone.

We are voyagers set on a course towards destiny to find the one person our miracle is ment for. But be careful.

As we seek out the light, the darkness gathers.

And the eternal contest between good and evil is not forth with great armys but one life at a time.

No life is more important than another. And nothing has been without purpose. Nothing.

What if we are part of a great something that we may someday understand?

And one day, when we have done what we alone are capable of doing we get to rise up and reunite with those we have loved the most forever embraced.

What if we get to become stars?

Sorry for the mistakes. :)

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