My true love gave to me

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"Mags finished her brownie and watched Noel jump around. Noel was her very best friend - even if she wasn't his. Noel was her person."

-From "Midnights" by Rainbow Rowell

“Not that kind of cheating," Mags said. "More like...skipping ahead. If you like someone, you should have to make an effort. You should have to get to know the person--you should have to work for that first kiss.” 

“Is it weird being in Omaha?” Simini asked her. “Now that everybody’s left?” “It’s like walking through the mall after it closes,” Mags said.”

“She looked up over Pony's shoulder and saw Noel, and Noel saw her - and he strode straight through the basement, over the love seat and up onto the coffee table and over the couch and through Pony and Simini, and wrapped his arms around Mags, swinging her in a circle.” 

“You're a kaleidoscope, you change every time I look away.” 


“She knows, every part of her knows, that she wants to kiss him. That he wants to kiss her. All of her skin prickles with longing. Her insides fizz.” 

- 'The Lady and the Fox'' by Kelly Link

“I guess I don't really know what I want to do, either. Sometimes I feel like a shook-up bottle of soda. Like, I have all this passion that wants to explode, but I don't know where to aim it yet.” 

“The feeling it gave me was an odd combination of weightless self-pity and excitement. I understood my life was meaningless, and this knowledge freed me up to accomplish absolutely anything.” 

- Matt de la Pena

"Living where i love, it can sometimes be hard to tell the difference between magic and make belive."

"There are two kinds of children. The kind who belives and the kind who don't."

- "Polaris is where you'll find me" by Jenny Han

“The rareness, the specialness, of North. Of this night. She wished it could last forever.” 

“Shame leads to secrets, and secrets lead to lies, and lies ruin everything.” 

" You can tell a lot about a person by looking at the state of theyr sourroundings."

- "It's a yuletide miracle, Charlie Brown" by Stephanie Perkins

“I am here, and he is here, and everything I need to know is that I will hold him and he will hold me until I am warm again, until I know I belong. ” 

"I wonder if it would be rude for Santa to glance at his watch."

- "Your Temporary Santa" by David Levithan

“Sometimes I felt like I was waiting for my life to begin and more than anything, in that moment, I wanted to force some kind of beginning. I wanted things to be different than usual. I wanted to bend reality.”

― Holly Black

"She did like Christmas carols, not the horrible dirges sung over mall speakers, ut people singing in pretty harmonies." 

- "What the hell have you done, Sophie Roth?' by Gayle Forman

“But people don't need to remember how it felt to be happy and safe in the past. They need to have hope that they can get there again in the future.”

“The door opens with a rusted jingle, and an animatronic Santa insults my moral virtue three times. Ho, ho, ho.”

― Kiersten White

“I sang because that is what I do when I am happy and when I'm sad. I sang because it is who I am when I am being the best possible version of me.”

― Ally Carter

“Some kinds of misery make you hate the world, but some kinds make you hate yourself, and--butter and cheese not withstanding--Neve had no question that Spear was the latter.”

― Laini Taylor


CHRISTMAS is not as much about opening our prestens as opening our hearts. 


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