SJ and the Scouts

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My name? No one here knows it really. It's SJ. Short for Samantha-Jadeite. Everyone seems to address me as 'that scar girl'. I've been called a lot of things for my scars. I have a lot of them from fights before becoming a Scout. My most noticeable one is the scar on my face that goes from my temple, down my cheekbone and over the edge of my lips. Then there's a far smaller on that goes over the other edge of my lips. Three animal claw scars were on my neck. Those are the ones I'm okay with others seeing. The rest over lap and it makes it hard to explain why I have so many. But with being hurt so much, I don't really have any fears. None like spiders or the dark. Or like heights or being buried alive. The fears I have are dying and my family dying. That's it.
There's nothing special about me.
I woke up earlier one morning to a shout and crash outside. I looked out my window to see one of my comrades holding their bloody face. Probably a broken nose. I got dressed and walked outside.
I ignored the cadet because I didn't know them and I didn't care. I walked to the Mess Hall for breakfast. I opened the door to Captain Levi and Commander Erwin taking over tea or coffee. Most likely tea because of the Captain. I got some food and Erwin motioned towards me. I walked up to them.
"What's your name, cadet? I've seen how remarkable your fighting is, why have we not heard much from you?" He said.
"I give others the spotlight." I shrugged and sat down at a different table.
"Oddly selfless and timid. Sounds like you're trying to be an unsaid and unnoticed hero." Captain Levi said, taking a drink of his tea. They didn't know me. I didn't know them. I'm just a kid to them. So I didn't answer. I ate and went back to my room. I forgot to roll down my sleeves after cleaning my dishes so I got some glances as I walked. They didn't look self inflicted, they just looked like painful scars. Squad Leader Hanji ran up to me with an armful of stacked papers.
"Hey! I need you to run these papers to Levi's office!" They heaved. I nodded and got handed all of the papers. I rolled my eyes and walked to the Captain's office. I tried to open the door with one hand and succeeded. Levi was in his office before me, somehow. He looked up and glared at me.
"More shitty paperwork?" He groaned. I nodded and set the neat stack on his desk. That's when I noticed my sleeves. I rolled them down as I went to leave to room.
"Wait. Sit down. I need to talk to you." The Captain ordered. I stopped before sighing. It's the scars. I turned and sat with folded arms. "Roll up your sleeve." He said. I shook my head.
"If it's about my scars, I'd rather not talk about them." I said, forgetting her was my superior. I didn't care. He wasn't the first to ask about them, and I know he won't be the last. He clicked his tongue and stood. He walked over to me and yanked me up by my arm. I tried to pull my arm back, but only made him jerk towards me. He pushed up my sleeve and there were the scars that only other soldiers like me would understand. He examined them for a minute before letting me go.
"Don't hide them. Scars show that you've lived. You're pretty damn strong." He said as I slammed the door behind me. The last sentence rung in my ears. 'You're pretty damn strong.' That's not what other people call me. I shook my head and rolled my other sleeve up. Maybe they aren't that bad.
I walked out to the training field and stood in line before my Squad Leader came out to train my squad today.
"Alright! We're doing hand to hand training today! Pair up!" Squad Leader Tyler said. We followed orders quickly.

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