Challenging Week

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I was good with their gear. It was fairly easy to get a grip on. I didn't want to cut my hair so I wore it in a bun, it felt weird. I'm so used to a ponytail.
But with the training came a lot of higher ups talking to SJ and I. They kept questioning our origins, the oddity of our names, our age. They thought we were 15. We're well into our twenties. It was easy to get through.
Aside from them making SJ and I sit with them during meals to see if we spill something. We didn't talk went we ate. We knew how important food was so we didn't waste any time to eat.
"Valen. Come with me." Their Commander said. I sighed and finished quickly. I got up and followed him. He took me to his office. He opened the door and had me sit in front of his desk. I didn't care about this blonde guy. I don't even remember his name. Ivan or Iwin or something like that. He sat in front of me. I have experience with one on one confrontations like this. Interrogation. This is just a less threatening interrogation.
"I'd like to know exactly where you came from. I know you aren't from here by how you talk to the Aline cadet. You call her 'he' and 'him'. That's unheard of here." He said. Knew it. Someone was going to catch on to SJ actually being a guy.
"He's transgender. Nothing is wrong with that. I'm just respecting the pronouns he wants to be called by." I said. He furrowed those massive eyebrows. Like, seriously, those things will be a hazard if they get any bigger. It's stupid with how big they are.
"You're definitely not from here." He said. I glanced out the window and saw why I was here.
"Son of a bitch." I hissed and got up. SJ bolted in.
"Get your suit on." He said. He was panting, he had been running to get here. I stood up.
"I know." I said and walked out. The commander stood up and looked out at the black airship that hovered over the training grounds. I ran to SJ's room and quickly changed into my attack suit.

SJ just changed jackets and put on a mask

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SJ just changed jackets and put on a mask. He didn't have a power so he was going to use what the Scouts gave him. We bolted out as soldiers started to push cadets into groups. I drew an arrow and fired at a soldier. This arrow was a yellow tip arrow.
It hit the ground in the middle of his little group. They looked at it. The arrow ejected whips that strangled the men into decapitation. SJ turned the bastards into shish kabobs. He parted I the way for me to get to the air ship. I got on and shot everyone on board.
These guys were the reason I felt no remorse over the ones I've killed. They tortured everyone I know either directly or second hand. They tortured my friends and me. SJ was forced to watch his half siblings get tortured with knives and bullets. I knew it hurt him and that hurt me.
I watched as everyone I knew got hurt. It was nothing but pain for me and worry for them. I stabbed a red arrow into the control panel and rushed out. I watched the ship blow up. I shot the last guy when he went up behind SJ. It was over. Finally over. I fell on my backside and sighed.
"Holy shit, that hurt." I groaned. I took off my helmet and rubbed my eyes. My power was a born one. Meaning I was born with it. It's me being 100% accurate with my shots. That's why I use a bow and arrows. My eyes glow when that happens and my eyes dry out and give me a headache.
SJ sighed and extended his hand to me. I grabbed it and he hoisted me to my feel.

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