Together Again

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I smirked at my thoughts. He was adorable with that tiny smile of his. Morphing those scars on his face to curve up. I stood up and looked out the window to see SJ himself and a group of people. His squad? One guy winked at him and SJ flipped him off. Nice try buddy. SJ is a ladies man. Even though he's in a woman's body, he is a man at heart.
I rejected Reiner and felt someone watching me. I stood in the back and looked behind me. My eyes scanned the windows until I reached my room.
No fucking way.
Anderson stood in my room. She was my best friend, we're buddies till the end. Something bad is going to happen if she's here. I raised my hand up and waved at her to come out. She opened the window and jumped. She landed on the ground like a graceful belly dancer from India, when it had celebrations as elaborate to where you need a belly dancer. She was graceful, that's all. And over the top as she always was. I shook my head with a smile and walked over to her.
We clasped our hands together as if to arm wrestle. We pulled each other into a hug. We separated and smiled.
"What's the problem now?" I asked, knowing something was wrong.
"They're going to attack here in a week. I'm going to stay and help you fight when the time comes for you to put that jacket on again." She said with a serious tone. I nodded and looked back at my squad.
"They think of me as She. Just a warning because I don't want you to hurt someone over misgendering me." I explained. She nodded and walked with me to the squad. They didn't really care for her there, probably thinking she got permission from another squad leader.
She joined in training, and being the real soldiers we were trained to be, we kicked their asses.
"SJ Aline! Anderson Valen!" A familiar higher up shouted. I whispered to Andy for her to follow my lead. I turned and saluted to them and she followed immediately. Captain Levi motioned for us to follow him. We walked to his office with him and he ordered us to sit. Commander Erwin and Section Leaders, Mike and Hanji, were there too.
"We've heard from cadets all over the Walls that you two were never in their training camps. And Anderson seemingly just can into light. Why's that?" Commander Erwin asked.
"Also, what kind of a name is Anderson?" Captain Levi said.
"With all due respect, we're tired of hiding in the background in training." I said. "And I think her name is nice." Defending my friend and explaining the lie I was ordered to tell.
They doubted us but let us go. We ran to my room in a fit of laughter. I hugged her tightly, she laughed.
"You're good with those idiots!" She grinned. I could see her freckles in the light. Andy was... beautiful to say the least.
"Yeah, and thanks for not hitting anyone." I smiled. She gave me another hug. I held her close.
"You're a great guy, SJ." She said. That made me really happy.
Sorry for not posting in a very long time!! I plan on writing more during quarantine and summer break! (Yeah. The rest of my school year is online now) Have a great day my lovelies!!

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