Anderson and the Resistance

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Hey. My name is Anderson Valen. Everyone know my name because I'm the new commander of the Resistance. The second one. The Resistance is almost thirty years old. I joined at the twenty year mark when I was 16. I'm commander because the greatest person alive died not too long ago and in her will was for me to be the new leader. I didn't think I was ready but if she said I was, then I was. I guess I'm doing well.
I walked down the corridor for the dormitories. Kids were just starting to wake up, or they were sleeping in because of their beds. We provide good beds since these kids used to be forced to sleep on filthy floors. Their grateful to even have clean clothes everyday.
"Andy! We have some reports of an attack on another world. The one that the oldest Aline is in." Adelina Trinn said, running up to me. The Aline Half Four are four people, but they're all half siblings. Same father, different mothers. They're all in different worlds. I nodded and walked with her to her lab. Adelina opened up a Holoscreen and showed me the plans one of our own stole from our enemies. They were targeting some military base and the doors of some protection walls.
"This world doesn't have lightbulbs. I'd keep our tech down. But he's there. In the base they're targeting for captures." I sat in a chair and listened. Captures, kidnapping children and torturing them. These people didn't have powers to save themselves either. If I didn't get to the oldest Aline, they're all going to be taken. We can't let this happen. I went back to my room and packed my stuff. Clothes, weapons and ammo and my masks. This should be easy. Adelina's son, Parker, examined the military uniforms and file orders. He made me a uniform and a file on me. Faking my age and everything other than my name.
I put on the uniform and stood in front of our Master IDT. Adelina set in the coordinates for this world and the specific placement in their world. The portal opened to trees and a big building behind them. I walked through and the portal closed. I snuck in and put my file with the rest before sneaking into the Aline boy's room. I sat on his bed and waited. My mind drifting into the moments I've had with this boy.
I ran towards the boy covered in scars. He charged towards me. I threw a punch and he grabbed my fist before checking my jaw with his elbow. I recovered in a second and managed to kick his side. We continued to strike and block until he pulled some assassin shit on me. Making me tap out.
"Heh... you're pretty good at fighting, Andy..." He panted.
I coughed a bit, "Not too bad yourself, SJ...." I smirked at him and he offered me his hand. I grabbed it like you would grab someone's hand for arm wrestling. He hoisted me up to my feet.
"Come on, Andy! Tap out and it will be over!!" My older brother, Alex, yelled. It was a murmur to me since I was fighting to not pass out. I was in that same assassin chokehold with SJ. I refused to tap as I've done that too much with this move.
I finally noticed that he was balancing on one leg. I wrapped my arm around his leg and jumped back against his. We slammed back against the mat and I knocked the wind out of both of us. I let out a gruff cough and a few gasps. Twisting my body around, I put SJ in a classic chokehold. Both of us had bloody noses from the lack of oxygen. Alex got on the mats and helped the two of us stand. He raised my hand up. I finally won. I won against SJ for the first time. Off the mats, he hugged me and I hugged back.
"I knew you could fight that hold. Your mother would be proud." He whispered.
"Thanks." I smiled. We separated with small smiles. We're friends after all.

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