Through The Mist

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We walked out to the field. The soldiers were told to not wear uniforms for this. Juno wore her sports bra and shorts with running shoes. Guys looked at her.
"Everyone. These two girls are SJ's half sisters. They are some of our strongest." Andy said.
Juno smiled, "I'm Juno! Nice to me all of you!" Guys stared at her body. Some got red in the face.
"Cora." I said. They didn't have any kind of reaction like the ones they gave Juno. Yeah. She was loved, I took the backseat every time. Andy picked up a rock.
"Heads up!" She said. She threw it at us. It passed through me without issue. Like I was a ghost. Juno's mist latched onto it right after it went through me. She lifted it in front of her. It floated there. They stared.
"Juno turns the muscle in her body into a mist and can use it to move anything. We call her our Witch. Cora can go through anything and anything can go through her. We call her our Ghost." SJ explained.
"So they're unstoppable?" A brunette with blue-ish yellow eyes said.
"No. Far from it." I said. He looked at me. I looked down.
"Is your hair really that color?" He asked.
"Yeah. If it were a normal color, I'd let it be that color." I said. He nodded.
"Today, you'll just be watching our abilities to see how we fight and the patterns we use." Andy explained. They all sat back and waited for the show.
"Juno versus Cora. 22 again 13." I said and stood on the sideline. Cora waited.
"Where did she go?" SJ asked, looking around.
"Dammit! Why does Juno run off like that?!" I groaned. Cora sat on the ground and waited. Juno started walking over with a thrashing wild full grown wolf.
"I found a puppy!!" She smiled. It tried to fucking kill her. She was holding it with its back against her front, her arms locked around it.
"Dinner?" SJ asked me. I shrugged.
"It's a good catch." I said. Juno squeezed its ribs with her arms until it whimpered and a few ribs broke. The cadets shivered at the loud cracks.
"Think you get three more?" Cora asked. "You know, wolf meat for everyone." Juno smiled and nodded. She dropped the injured animal. It couldn't get up. I put all my body weight on its neck to make a quick death for it. Food. Juno actually got the whole pack. Of eleven, not including the now dead one.
"Oh god why do you need that much?!" A two toned boy said in disgust.
"You say that like we aren't going to give you guys a few wolves." Cora said.
"You know, I think we've seen it all now. She's an idiot, you're emo, that one is just confusion all around and we have a strawberry." The two toned boy said and folded his arms.
"If you're going to insult us, try to be creative." I said.
"And if you think you've seen it all, know it all and have picked us apart, what exactly are we? Human? Monster? Lab rats? What are people like us called?" SJ asked. He tried to name what we are. He failed every time.
Titan spawns, Which apparently made sense to them.
None of those were correct.
SJ shook his head, "Juno, the branding." He said. Juno tugged on the back of her shorts to show a pronged X branding.
"We're mutants that have survived Hell." She said and fixed her shorts. That shut them up at the least. It wasn't the best way to get them to listen, but it worked.

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