Juno and Cora

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This was great!
The whole scouting legion was on our side!!
I picked up a pebble and my mist surrounded it. It floated in my palm. I flicked the pebble at her. Andy rubbed the back of her head when it hit her. She looked. I waved.
"You blonde son of a bitch." She smiled.
"Hey, Strawberry." I grinned. My little blue sister was behind me.
"SJ! Your sisters are here!" She yelled at my half brother. He ran over and I dropped when he hugged me. My mist made us float before we hit the ground.
"You're still my handsome brother, huh?" I asked. He broke laughing. The scars morphing on his face. I lifted us up.
"There's a blonde guy behind you, Commander." Cora, the youngest of my siblings, said. SJ was 25. I was 22. Our other half brother, who's off field for being a father, is 18 and Cora is 13.
Andy turned and looked. "Oh. He's fine. He's the commander of a military branch here." She shrugged. I nodded. Cora was still the stubborn little kid she's always been. She was uncomfortable being here in general.
"Commander Erwin." He said.
"How long are we here?" Cora asked me quietly.
"About two days, you'll be fine, you big baby." I smiled. The Erwin guy looked at my blue sister. "She's shy. Don't worry." I said.
"You'll get a room to share for now." Andy said.
"Hey, SJ, sharing a room with our Strawberry, finally?" I teased my older brother.
"Shut up." He said. I laughed.
Juno teased SJ about his crush on Andy. It was obvious he liked her. But with what that one guy did to Andy, she purposely ignores every romantic or sexual expression towards her. She's been afraid of things like that.
Andy brought Juno and I to a shared room. This wasn't so bad. It was okay. I sat on one of the beds and sighed. Wasn't as good as the ones back at the base. They were primitive anyways.
Juno hugged Andy, "Thanks!" Juno's always happy. She smiles all the time. It's unsettling. Before our last Commander died, she was a normal girl. She cried and screamed. Punched things and picked fights. Now she's a good, sing-a-song-with-me girl. Maybe it's because of the fact everyone was down for so long. She never cried and if she did, she'd be smiling. It worries me.
"We'll start training in a few minutes, so warm up to use your powers." Andy said. I nodded and. Juno hugged her one more time. I put my jacket on and stretched. I checked my Holoscreen. It had my time limit. Thirty minutes. I felt a little more secure when I finished putting on my suit.
I looked at Juno. Not only did she look and act so friendly, she was body confident and felt so good in her own skin. I sighed. I was too skinny. Too pale. Too short. My hair was naturally blue anyways. I stood out like a sore thumb. I didn't like it.
"Cora..." Juno said quietly. I looked at her. She wasn't smiling anymore. She must've noticed me covering my disgusting body in the mirror.
"Hey, little sister," she said. She hugged me. I felt her warms. So sudden and soothing. I held onto her.
"You're beautiful. I know this because I see you in a way you can't see yourself, from the outside. I love you Cora." She said as she held my small form. I clung to my half sister and gently cried. She really was my family.
I love my family.

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