The Question

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"What are you?"
A familiar voice said.
I turned around and looked. The commander had higher ups with guns behind him. I didn't give a give a shit.
"Commander Valen, more are on their way. Miss Trinn is bringing my half sisters here." SJ said, walking up to me. I nodded.
The soldiers cocked their guns. I groaned.
"I'm sorry, but we're making sure your soldiers aren't kidnapped and tortured like we were. So would you kindly fuck off!" I said. Their commander looked confused. Well it would make sense if he was.
"What's our time?" I asked.
"Two days." SJ said. I nodded.
I looked back at the Scouts, their Commander stared me dead in the eyes, "Two days till the fight or till you leave?" He asked.
SJ answered with till the fight. I gathered the bodies and set them on fire. It was the only way to permanently destroy the tech on their suits. I grabbed my helmet and put it on with my hood.
"Why did he call you a commander?" The blondie asked. I turned my head to him. It was a stupid question.
"Because there's a lot you can't process in two days." I said.
"Then help us. We'll fight with you." He said. He had this odd heroic smile. The last time I saw that kind of a smile was moments before that person died. It yanked at my heart. A lot of things fucked me over. But a smile like that was like a stab of hope that was never seen as possible. Son of a bitch.
"Ugh. Fine. We start at noon. Get your shit together." I said and went inside.

I looked at the Scouts one by one. SJ was off to the side. Next to him was Erwin. I learned his name finally.
"Before we start, anyone have questions?" I asked. They all started talking at once. I groaned. Oh my fucking god.
"Have none of you cock sucking dirtbags never been to school?! Raise your fucking hands, damn it!!" I shouted over all of them. They went silent.
"That's better." SJ sighed. Some raised their hands. I pointed at a girl with black hair and a red scarf.
"If this is some sort of war, which side is the one worth fighting for?" She asked.
"The side we're up against is Kurja Tech. They beat, torture, mutilate and murder people with inhuman abilities. They kidnap children and torture them into revealing their abilities. Then they turn those children into mindless soldiers that have no way of going back to who they once were." SJ explained.
"Our side, however, we break into their bases, free the children and take them in to give them lives worth living. I was one of those children. I know first hand what they do. How they do it. And how to make them pay. We can't finish this war with the little numbers we have. If all of you fight to free the ones they have captive, we can win." I said. They were silent for a while. Erwin walked up next to me.
"I'm in." He said. We were the same height. I nodded. He smiled at me. I looked back at the Scouts.
A brunette with turquoise eyes walked up, "I'm in too!" He smiled. The girl with the scarf and a boy with a blonde mop haircut said the same. Slowly every scout came up and yelled that they were in.
This was great!

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