The Girl

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Chapter 1:

20 years later

"Mooom,I'm going out for a walk" Sophia yelled as she unlocked the front door.

"Where are you going for a walk to?" her mother questioned coming out of the kitchen with baking flower dusted all over her clothes.

Sophia snorted " what happen to you, you look like your had a battle with a flower monster and lost" she said barely keeping in her laugh.

"It does not matter" her mother said."don't try to evade my questions. Where are you going for a walk?"her mother asked.

"Mom I'm just going round the block, please allow me I just finished exams I passed and I need something that helps me feel relaxed" Sophia pleaded.

"Fine but just around the block no further then that" her mother said.

"Thank you,thank you so much" she said hugging her mother and rushing out of the door before her mother could change her mind.


"Hey guys" Sophia said slipping into the booth that was occupied by two identical children her age.She had lied to her mother and instead come to meet her friends at a restaurant.This was the only time she got to see them since they were at different schools.

"Hey Sophia" Leon said."Did your mom allow you to come?"he asked.

"Yes...No...Mayyybeee" Sophia said.

"What did you do Sophia?" Evie asked her blue eyes sparking mischievously.

"Welllll..." Sophia said dragging out the word slowly.

"Tell us what you told her" Leon asked looking at her hard as if trying to figure it out from looking at her.

"Well I may or may have not told her that I was only going for a walk around the block" Sophia said smiling.

"Well would you like to order something?" Evie asked her.

"I wish,but I should be getting back home sorry I only came to meet you guys"Sophia said.

"Did you win the scholarship to that boarding school in California? The one that's made you antisocial because you were studying too much" Evie asked.

"I don't know yet but they said that by tonight I'd get my results so let's hope and sorry for being antisocial" Sophia said.She looked at her watch"Oh my god its so late I'm sorry guys I have to go like right now.Bye"she said getting up quickly.

"Byeee,see you soon" the twins said in unison.But they had barely finished talking and Sophia was already gone.

Sophia knew that she should be going home but walking for a little longer would not hurt her it would probably just get her a mild shouting from her mother but she was used to that so it didn't really matter.

Suddenly she heard angrily whispers and a girls soft sobs coming  from the alley way to her right.She seen people look inside and just walk on with a fearful look on their faces. She herself was tempted to do that   but she couldn't shake of the feeling that if she carried on walking she would be ignoring some thing important.  So instead of walking onward she crept closer to the alley and she could hear bits and pieces of what was being said.But she wanted to hear everything so she went even closer.

And there she saw two boys and a girl that looked around her age all surrounding another girl that also looked around her age but had a more dainty petite look.

The petite girl looked like she came from a rich family right from her Louis Vuitton handbag to her super expensive looking dress and the girl had tears streaming down her cheeks while she sobbed softly.

The other girl and boys who were surrounding the rich girl fitted the look of bad kids.The girl was wearing long red hooped earnings, her waist length black hair had a single red streak going though it.She also had a nose ring and her clothes were the thing that brought the whole bad girl look to the next level.She wore a blood red long sleeved top with a knee length black skirt paired with fish net black leggings,a red spiked belt and red ankle length boots that had gold spikes decorating the edges. Savage.

The boys though were dressed more regularly in black jeans and tops.The one boy had a black top with a red skull on it and the other boy had a red top with a black skull on it.The boy in the black top also was wearing black roller blades with red flames decorating the ends.

Sophia edged closer wanting to hear what was said and then she heard them.The bad girl was telling the rich girl "Listen to me well.You will not tell anyone what you had seen and if I hear even one person talking about it you will be in big trouble" she hissed her voice like poison.

Suddenly someone yanked Sophia back "What do you think you doing?" They asked their voice cold in her ears.


OK first Chapter finished.What did you guys think?I hope you'll enjoyed.Don't forget to vote.Byeeee <3

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