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As Logan woke up he realised he was in Deceits arms and decided it best to move before him and Remus woke up
considering that he didnt want anyone to be mad at him
but just as he tried deceits grip got harder and harder to get out of
Logan sighed as he decided to just stay there and be happy in the moment for once
after all, these two care about him


as Remus began to wake up he was met with a pair of faded navy blue eyes
"mh, hi Logie"
Remus said, still waking up
Logan tried to not blush at the name as he motioned towards Deceit who was still asleep and holding Logan
"oh! sorry about him, hes a cuddler"
Logan couldnt help but almost laugh at Remus' statement

as Remus began to shake Deceit awake Deceits hand lazily swated him away
As deceit finally woke up Logan quickly moved from where originally was as to not make anyone uncomfortable
But as he did so, Remus looked at him as if be had done somthing he just couldn't understand
"why did you move?"
Remus asked, slightly tilting his head to the side

"imma go make some breakfast!"
Logan said while standing up
as his feet stepped on the cold and gross feeling floor he jumped back on the bed
"but first i should help out with the floor because this is disgusting"
As Logan finished, he clised his eyes and refurbished the room in about 10 minutes of concentrating
"hey the Logan, i know you wanna help but ive seen how doing that tires Roman out so i dont thin-"
"im pretty sure i can do at least one more"
before they could stop him Logan was standing up and walking towards the kitchen
and before they knew it he was done

the only problem is that when a side as powerful as Logan is overexerts themselves, they loose control
the electrical shock currently around him
as deceit realised what was going on due to being shook awake by Remus
he ran into the next room and ran to Logan, grabbing him and holding him close, despite feeling the immense pain due to the shock Logan was making
by the time it calmed down deceit was shaking but still by his side none the less
with the little strength he still had, Deceit carried Logan back to the bedroom and layed them both down with Remus who pulled the blanket over them and soon began to pet Logans now frizzy hair


as they woke up for the second time today, not that time was much of a concept for them anymore
Remus got up to try and make lunch, or maybe dinner
not being quite sure of the time anymore
it could be 3 in the morning and he wouldn't know
none of them would

as he walked into the kitchen, he remember that Logan had fixed it up, and honestly improved everything about it
he walked over to the now working and spotless fride, and pulled out a carten of eggs, bacon, and toast
he used a little bit of power to summon a jar a crofters
it was hard for him to do but with how happy it would make the logical man, it would be worth it

as soon as he was done plating the eggs toast and slightly burnt bacon, he set up the three plates and cups on a bed tray
and started on his way towards the bedroom
"wake up ya dorks!!"
as Remus yelled Deceit shot up and Logan woke up about halfway slightly mumbling about god knows what

they set up the tray and they begun to eat they're food
with the occasional talking and laughing they almost didnt notice how Logan was eating his food with his eyes closed
"awwww!! Logan hun, you kinda dont need to be awake in order to eat" deceit cood while attempting to place Logans toast in his mouth
as soon as logan tasted it a smile found its way to his face as he continued eating happily
"mmm mhhhmm mhh"
Logan attempted to say as he was finishing his food
"pft-  what was that Logie??"
Remus asked, holding back a slight laugh
as Logan took the toast out of his mouth he tried again
"thank you for the food remuss"
while in the middle of talking Logan finally opened his eyes
remus couldnt help but smile with a slight blush that he tried to hold back
'hes so fucking adorable i-'
"th-thanks,,, i guess?"
remus said that out loud
"good job remus"
deceit said, holding his hat infront of his face in an attempt to hide his ever growing smile and laughter
"oh shut up you!"
remus said, sticking his tongue out at deceit while flipping him off
unknown to them logan had already gotten up and grabbed the plates and the tray
once he had gotten to the kitchen he snapped his fingers and in an instant the dishes, that were now spotless, had been placed in the cabinet where they belonged
abd the tray had been set in between the fridge and the counter as not to be a hazard

he made his way back to the room to see that the two where indeed still arguing
"weell maybe if you didnt watch what you sayy-
" pftt- haha!"
they both turned to see a laughing logan at the end of the bed
"whats so funny?"
as remus asked logan he began to catch his breath and form words again
"ha- its just that- haha- you guys are just amazing- i-"
logan said
a smile still on his face
deceit and remus couldnt help but smile as well

as the laughing finally went away, Remus ushered them all into the living area to watch somthing on the somehow still working TV
Logan was completely willing until he remembered the conversation about the smelly couch
"fine fine fine, but your letting me fix the room up at least a little-"
"i am going to not help you then"
"me too!!"
As soon as they had all come to an agreement
they had already reached the room
"welp lets get started!!"
remus said
stretching his arms in the air

Hi m8s!!
sorry that this took longer than the last 4 chapters to update-
i kept wanting to work on it but at the same time i have finals coming up that im going to fail, sooo im trying to not fail for once
buuuut, i hope you enjoyed this chapter and stick around for more!
im gonna try to figure out how to write fluff better so expect about 2-4 more filler chapters before i bring the light sides in again

1012 words

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