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TW- injuries, cursing, and unsympathetic patton

As the days went by they're training continued, and they only got stronger and stronger.
But little did they know, the so called light sides had a little plan of their own.

"No no no!!! Your doing it all wrong!" Roman screamed. "Well gee! Sorry i dont know how to make an electic sheild! I make electric pellets, not sheilds dumbass!" Patton screamed right back. "For the last time thats not what im asking you! Im asking you to learn how to throw it! I have the entirety of my imagination at my control, I can create anything i want, and you cant even keep that damn thing under control like i told to!!" Roman said as he got closer to patton
"oh! I can keep it under control, but im not doing it for the likes of you! Your royal fucking highness!!" Patton stepped closer in return.
"hate to break the news to ya patton, but your not much better than me! Representation of morality? HA! What a fucking joke!!"
"Oh yea? And who do you even have to back your point up, Princey?" Patton spat back.
"Logan! You know the one who left yo-"
"SHUT UP!" Patton threw his newly conjured sheild at Roman in a fit of un contained rage.
Everything was black

Roman shakily got to his feet
" What in the ever loving fuc-"
"Roman are you okay?!"
Roman opened his eyes only to instantly jump back. "Remus, what are you doing here?!" "What do you mean?" The green side looked at him in confusion
Before Roman could respond, he noticed his surrounding
This was his old room, but that still didnt explain why remus was here.
"What are you doung in here? Where am I?!" Roman took another few steps back
"What are you talking about? This is our room?" "No, this is my room!"
Remus broke out in a fit laughter
"Ha! You must've really hit your head hard when you fell!" The smile on his brothers face was real, this wasnt the remus he knew.
"Fell from where?" "From your bed ya doof! The new side was sleeping on your bed and i think you didnt have enough room up there after all. Ha! I told you, you dumb dumb!!"
He looked at the 'new side' Remus mentioned
"Whos Virgil? Cause that's anxiety and he doesnt have a name"

Then Roman realised, this was a year after he and Remus had split
But, they hated each other, didnt they?

"Why in the name of hell are you two still awake"
Roman turned to see the origin of the voice only to be met with a high pitched ringing
"What the hell!" Roman screamed covering his ears
Roman looked up but it was all black
"ꋪꄲꂵꋬꋊ- Ⱨɇ-ⱡ₱ ₥Ɇ-"


It was all quite
Who- no, what was that?
Why did roman know that voice?

He opened his eyes and was met with a pleasant sight
His reflection, well not 'his' reflection exactly
"Romelius!" He heard logan call out
"Whats up nerd?" He heard himself say, but he wasnt trying to say anything
"Me and De where wondering if youd like to go to the imagination with us?" The intelligent side said.
"Lo, you know patton doesn't like us going with him-" "Pf, and? He doesnt like alot of things i do, besides panic and memory are coming with us"
Who was that?
"Im sorry who?" Romelius titled his head a bit out of confusion
"Dont play dumb, anyways whats patton gonna do?"

The ringing was back
And it was loud

What in the-
"ⱤØ₥₳₦ ₱ⱡɇ₳₴ɇ ɽɇ₥ɇ₥฿ɇɽ!"


He felt a dull pain arise in his chest, but in mere seconds that dull pain became overwhelming
He opened his eyes and found himself lying on the floor next to remus, there was blood on the two and pain in them both, this mustve been after the split.
But roman could never remember-
"Patton what the fuck did you do?!"
"I simply did what needed to be done" He heard an all to familiar voice say
"But! Now that that's done imma need you to wipe their memories of the process" Patton said as he clapped his hands together
"Ha! As if! I want everyone to know just how much of a sick twisted bastard you are!!"
"Tch, now now memory, i got rid of romelius, i can get rid of you too"
As white heart shaped pellets surrounded the dark blue side known as memory somone came in, pink side?
"Patton whats going on?"
He saw a twinkle in Patton's eyes
"Panic, dear come here"
Panic slowly did a patton said and only then noticed memory
"Wait wh- AHHHHHHH!"
Roman witnessed as the two merged together, it was the worst thing he had ever seen.
the two voices became one and Roman couldn't believe his eyes
"Ughh-" "Why hello dear! My names patton!"
"Wha- who am i?" The side said back
"Pft- Why, your anxiety of course! Now time to get rid of everyone's pesky memories if those two"
And with the snap of his fingers it all went black


Roman blinked and he was suddenly in a white room
The dream space?

"Thomas?" He said as he turned around
"Thomas!!" He jumped foward towards thomas as fast as he could
"Roman wait!-"
"Ugh- what in the-" Roman said as he regained his balance
He put his hand against the wall and found out what he ran into.
"Pft- Virgil had that same problem-" "Wait, virgil was here?!" Roman retorted with a hateful glare in his eyes
"Um, yea? Whats with the look?" Thomas questioned
"Whats with the look?! That good for nothing little bitch saw you and didnt tell me or patton!" He said as he threw his hands up in the air. "Woah woah!! Why would you- wait, what do you mean you and patton? What about Logan?!" Thomas felt dred start to build up in his stomach
"Thats not important! Whats important is how to break this wall" He said as he begun to repeatedly punch the wall
And although it did nothing, it definitely had an effect on Roman
"Roman stop! Look at your hands!" Roman did as told and took a look at his hands
His knuckles where bloodied and bruised
But as he was looking he started to fade. "What? No. No no no no!!" "Roman it'll be alright-" "No! I cant leave you again-" Roman said as he fell to his knees "Roman look at me"
As their eyes met Thomas said one last thing
"Take care of them for me?"


"Thomas!" Roman shot up off of the cold black floor- wait, black?
"Where in the-"
" Ⱨɇⱡⱡø Ɽø₥₳₦, ł₮₴ ฿ɇɇ₦ ₳₩ⱨłⱡɇ "
"Who in the hell are yo-"
"Øⱨ ø₣ ₵øʉɽ₴ɇ, ₥ɇ₥øɽɏ ₩ł₱ɇ, ₩ⱨ₳₮ đłđ ł ɇӿ₱ɇ₵₮, ₩ɇⱡⱡ ɏøʉ ₭₦ø₩ ₥ɇ ₳₦đ ₥ɏ
₵ø₥₱₳₦łø₦ ₳₴ ₳₦ӿłɇ₮ɏ. Øɽ vłɽ₲łⱡ."
"That doesn't answer my question."

"Ɏøʉ ₵₳₦ ₵₳ⱡⱡ ₥ɇ ₥ɇ₥øɽɏ, ₳₦đ ł ₦ɇɇđ ɏøʉɽ ⱨɇⱡ₱"

Words - 1186
Welp, this one was alot of fun to write
I hope it was just as fun to read!
Till next time my lovely potatoes!!

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