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"Remus!!" was all Janus could hear logan screaming over and over while he ran towards the to, the closer he got the more he took notice to the burn marks covering logan, 'he even hurt himself with that?' Janus thought to himself "Remus! please wake up!" logan pleaded with the unconscious side, as tears started to sting his eyes. as Janus got to the two Logan finally noticed his presence, "Janus i- I'm so s-sorry I didn't mean-" "its okay logan, trust me I wasn't aware, but we need to get you both back to camp and fix you both up" he said while beginning to pick up Remus. "Yea, l-lets go make sure he's okay" "Logan I meant you to." "Why? I'm fine i-" Janus clicked his tongue and cut him off "Logan, hun, look at yourself. you aren't completely covered in burns" "But i-" " No questions asked were going!" Janus snapped, he got Remus up in his arms and motioned for logan to follow, which he did, as they headed towards camp



"where am I?" Virgil asked as he was surrounded by nothing but pitch black walls. "Oh~ virgey you know where you are" he heard from behind him, just as he was about to turn around he was tackled to the ground in a hug with the sound of giggling present. "w-what i-i-" Virgil sputtered "your home your silly rain cloud!" Patton

Virgil got up in an instant out of pure fear, only to see someone he couldn't sense even a hint of fear towards. "what's wrong virgey?" Patton asks as he tilted his head to the side. No scar, and those kind blue eyes "I-" Virgil tried only to be cut off by a very hyper Patton "Oh! I almost forgot! we've better get going!" he started to walk towards a door "What? w-what are we going to?" Patton turned around "To the audition of course! although he didn't sleep well last night so were bringing Joan for moral support!! plus their always nice to have around!" Patton said as he ran through the door giving Virgil a peck on the cheek before leaving "No- N-NO! Patton wait you don't know wha-" he shouted as he stumbled his way through the door after Patton, only to be greeted with the cold hard ground


the screaming

the fighting

the crying


Suddenly a wave of memories washed over him

my true identity


taking on ANXIETY

a new year of lying to myself... in song!!

the dark side of Disney!


the MIND vs. the HEART!


losing my motivation

sander sides Q&A!


My NEGATIVE thinking

growing up

making some changes!

becoming a CARTOON!


fitting in


the sander sides 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS

can LYING be good

why do we get out of bed in the morning?

Crofters the MUSICAL

learning new things about ourselves


selfishness v. selflessness


the tears slowly started to build up in Virgil's eyes "make it stop" he let out "make what stop emo nightmare?" Virgil slowly opened his eyes, he was in the living room, with Thomas

he jumped forward to hug the host nut simply fell to the floor as if he was never there at all "Thomas?" he got up slowly, only to see the sides he grew to hate, all except Patton where how he knows they were "It was your fault" Said Roman bitterly but then Patton smiled sympathetically, "Virgey?" Virgil turned to look towards the moral side only to see tears falling down his face

"I still Love you"



Virgil woke up with a scream, only to see remus layed out not too far from him, covered in bandages. he gasped for air that seemed like it wasn't there

when he finally calmed down after what was minutes but seemed like hours, he decided to take a look outside of the tent Logan had set up god knows when, and there he saw Janus "hey decie-" "Janus" "what?" "my name is Janus" Virgil was a bit taken aback but continued none the less "Well um, Janus, how're you holding up" "great," he said in reply and just as the awkward silence set in he got up and looked towards the anxious side " Virgil do you know how to 'not' use your powers" well um- yes?"

"Good, then I'm 'never' gonna need your assistance"

as the hours passed on the two trained and Janus eventually figured out how to conjure objects and illusions

as a golden knife slashed threw virgils cheek he reached up to feel the blood but felt nothing until another cut some of his hair "one was simply 'real' Virgil" deceit said with a smirk as he threw four more

a smirk which Virgil returned, as a purple sword appeared in his hand along with a shield, he blocked and deflected all knives, not willing to take the chance as to which were real and which were not

it went on like this for another half hour until Janus was out of breath "i *gasp* 'can' do *gasp* this much longer *gasp*  the anxious side let out a chuckle as the amory disappeared "okay well continue tomorrow"  "Why every day?" 

"if we see the light sides again we'll need to be ready" "but virgil-" as he reached up to feel his eye he smiled, but in a way that sent shivers up Janus's spine "I have my own score to settle with roman"

and with that, he went inside

and Janus knew Virgil was right, this wasn't just for Thomas, this was for his mind as well

and in order for that to work, Roman needed to be taken down a notch

930 words

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