Pink Symbolizes Love! Cure Magenta Is Born!

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This story starts in Irisitia, a town in the middle of the Earth, there's an evil monster, commanded by a strange woman, and someone is fighting that monster.
The name of the monster is Blinky, Blinkys are monsters created with people's black hearts, the woman who commands the Blinky is Queensect, one of the members of the Darkklor group, they are an evil organization who turns people's hearts into black and creat Blinks, guess why? None knows that. Finally, the girl who's fighting the Blinky is Cure Mallow, a suoerheroine, she is trying to defeat the monster to return the black heart into her original color.

Queensect: You are going to be defeated Cure Mallow, and then the Darkklor group's dream will be conpleted!

Cure Mallow: That is not going to happen, not if I'm here! PRECURE! MALLOW LIFESTORM

Mallow Lifestorm is the finisher attack of Cure Mallow, it's a very poferful attack do it with a flower maded of ink, if the flower captures the Blinky, this get purificated and the black heart will return to his own color, and of course, to his owner.

Then, the heart returns to her owner, it was a girl with the age of 13, named Bara, she was having a great time with her old sister. When Bara wakes up, she saw Cure Mallow, Mallow was looking Bara with a warm face.

Bara: Who are you? Where's my sister? What did just happened?

Cure Mallow: Don't worry, everything is fine, your sister is safe, I help him. (runs away)

Bara: Wait! You don't tell what happened! She just ruined away... Who was that girl?

When Bara returns to her house, she goes running to her sister ask her about that mysterious girl.

Bara: Violeeeeeeeeeet! I want to talk you about somethiiiiiiii...

Violet: (closes Bara's mouth) don't yell, I will answer what you want.

Bara: You know who was that girl?

Violet: Yes, she told me she will save you, but she says what she wants to this was a secret, because she don't want anyone to put herself in danger.

Bara: In danger? What are you talking ?

Violet: I don't know more details, she just say that she wants to these as a secret, and then she leave me in home.

Bara: How extrange, I want to meet her again, for ask my questions.

Violet: Yeah, it was magical, anyway, let's slepo, tomorrow you have to go shopping, you know mom and dad work tomorrow and it's your turn to go shopping.

Bara: OK! Good night sis!

Next morning, while Bara was going to shop, she heard a extrange noise in an alley, she wants to know what happened, and then she finds a extrange raimbow flying dog, Bara start screaming

Bara: What kindda thing are you?!

???: My name is Pallet, can you please get in silence-leto?

Bara: This thing speaks!?

Pallet: Please relax yourself-leto! He's gonna fine me-leto!

Bara: OK, I'm relaxed, but who's gonna find you?

Before Pallet can't say anything a mysterious man appeared in front Bara's face, it was like a weird guitarist, Pallet tried to hide himself, but this man have catched him so fast.

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