Red Symbolizes Passion! Cure Garnet Finally!

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Damona: Hello losers!

Queensect: We are the Darkklor group!

Darktist: Never expected us here right?

Unmusing: We don't care about it!

Damona: Shut up you 3! Anyway, (anormally happy) today we are going to give our 100%, do you remember the letter right? It was ME! I kidnapped Pallet, the Red Brush, and the other fairies too, if the girls want to recover it, they have to come to the DEN OF US and give us the other brushes, then, we will set free the fairies, also, if you are thinking you are gonna meet the leader of the Darkklor group, then sorry but no, he's destroying the rest of the Colorful Palace right now, but don't worry I'm sure you will meet him... Having said that, enjoying the last episode of the season! (diablically laughs)

Bara: (with a pale face) Violet... (gives her the letter)

Violet: (reads it) We need to go. Ring Ao and Luchia and tell them that we meet here now.

Bara: Yes.

Then, on the Darkklor group's den, the fairies were trapped in a black cage, Pallet was trying to telepert but without exit.

Darktist: (looking the cage fascinated) It's incredible how these flying animals are that stubborn.

Unmusing: Why we don't just destroy them?

Queensect: No no, we need them for the Precure.

Damona: Yeah they are our door to the victory.

Red: Do you really think you are gonna win-redo?

Damoma: Uh?

Red: They will save us-redo, I'm sure.

Pallet: It's true-leto! They are stronger than you-leto!

Blue: Is true-buru!

Yellow: They will come here-yelo!

Pink: And then you will say bye-pinku.

Green: Bye bye-gorin...

Purple: Yeah-papo... We-we are not scared from you.

Damona: Don't worry, they won't arrive here... Unmusing, Darktsit, why don't you say a welcome to our girls?

Unmusing: Sure!

Darktsit: You don't come Queensect?

Queensect: They are not able to see my powers. (laughs)

Damona: Yeah yeah you are amazing... Or that you think... Anyway Queensect, if the Precures arrived inside, surprise them.

Queensect: Fine fine...

Damona: And you... (looks the fairies with a scary face) You will se how your last drop of hope dies in front of your eyes. (leaves them in a room we're everything can be seen and heard, Damona laughs)

Ao and Luchia arrived stressed to Bara and Violet's house, they were really afraid too, nobody was speaking, there was a big silence, they were thinking what will happen if the lose, Bara, stressed, broke the silence.

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