Feelings In A Piano? We Are Connected!

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Ao: Hi to everyone! My name is Ao Takoizu! I'm a Pretty Cure and I'm fighting the forces of bad! Yesterday Darkrsit created a Blinky and separeted us, but fortunately, we beat it! Violet says that we are connected to everyone, and that reminds me...

Ao's mother: Ao! Good morning!

Ao: (yawns) Good morning mom!

Ao's mother: Today is Saturday! So, what do you want to do?

Ao: I don't know... Dad comes to home today right?

Ao's mother: Tonight!  We should make a party!

Ao: A party? C'mon mom, it's dad...

Ao's mother: That's why we should make a party! That's it! You should practice with the piano!

Ao: (blushed) Mom!

Ao's mother: Sooooorry! But try it, okeeeeey?

Ao: Yes mom! (her phone rangs)

Ao's mother: Let me guess... Bara!

Ao: Yeah...

Ao's mother: Today I have to work, so if she wants to come here, she can! Ring me if you need something! Byeeeeeeee!

Ao: Bye mom! Bara!

Bara: Hiiii!

Luchia: Hi girls!

Ao: Hey, do you want to come here?

Bara: Okay!

Luchia: Wait, but where do you live Ao?

Bara: Let's meet and go together!

Luchia: Okay!

Pallet: Can I go too-leto?

Ao: Sure!

Pallet: (appears in front of Ao) Thanks Ao-leto!

Ao: (screams) PALLET? When did you?

Pallet: I can teleport close to the Brushes-leto! It's one of my powers!

Ao: A-awesome...

Pallet: Yes!

Ao: Wait, if you can do that, why don't you teleport close to the Red Brush?

Pallet: Because it needs an owner, the Blue Brush has an owner, it's you-leto!

Ao: Oh, anyway let's prepare this...

Pallet: Prepare what-leto?

Ao: (goes to her piano, and prepares some scores)

Pallet: What are these papers-leto?

Ao: They are scores, they have notes, and with these, you can create beautiful songs...

Pallet: With the piano-leto?

Ao: (happy) Yes!

Pallet: Can you play one-leto?

Ao: What?

Pallet: Can you play one? Please Ao-leto?

Ao: Okay. (starts playing the song that Pallet choosed, it was an easy one, from an old book, when Ao finished, Pallet realized that Ao was crying a little)

Pallet: Ao are you okay-leto?

Ao: Yeah, it's just... This book was a present of my grandma...

Pallet: Oh that's cool-leto, wait, is your grandma...

Ao: (says yes with head) Yes, this book is very important to me...

Pallet: Ao-leto...

Ao: But I'm fine, it's just... Play this song reminded me years ago...

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