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*Author's Note: Midna wears a white blindfold since she is blind. The photo is just so you could see what her eye color is.*

Midna was walking to school as usual. She didn't know why she bothered to go. Its not like she could see. She still manages to learn and do her work without sight. Most people assume its because her parents help her and guide her while doing the work. That is kind of true. Except it's not her parents that are helping her, it's Nightstrike. Nightstrike is a minicon mixed with a predicon. She wants to be an Autobot so badly.

When Midna had her sight, she made an Autobot charm for a necklace she made for Nightstrike after Nightstrike drew a picture of what the Autobot insigna looked like and showed it to her. She got the necklace for her and surprised her on her creation day when she gave Nightstrike her present. Nightstrike was so happy when she got the necklace that she put it on immediately and refused to take it off.

Once Midna got to the school, Nightstrike led her to her 1st period class. Nightstrike was in her animal form, which is a German Shepherd mixed with a Black Labor. She appeared to be a German Shepherd with their fur coat being only black. She can be VERY hard to see in the dark, but that didn't matter to Midna now since she can no longer see. Midna rarely talked at school and school seemed rather boring to her. She already knew everything that the school was teaching because she is very smart and always studied ahead of the class. She had no classwork or homework to do since she had already done it. It was just the projects that the teachers assigned for fun or for a holiday that she didn't do.

School dragged on as usual and Midna didn't pay attention at all. Well, why would she when she finished all the school work that could possibly be given to her except for projects. If a project was mentioned or talked about and Midna wasn't paying attention, then Nightstrike would fill her in on what she had missed that was important.

Midna and Nightstrike were currently in history class. The teacher had just assigned the assignment that Midna had already done towards the beginning of the school year. The teacher had also assigned a fun group project. She assigned the groups and Midna still wasn't paying attention. Midna was put in a group of 4 like everyone else, but little does she know that the 3 other kids know each other and have a BIG secret that only they and 3 other humans know about.

The school day finally ended and a boy named Rafael walked up to Midna. He lightly tapped her shoulder. She barely turned her head in his direction and asked, "Who's there?" Raf said, "My name's Rafael, but you could call me Raf. Me and my 2 friends, Jack and Miko, were assigned to be in the same group as you for the project that Mrs. Mores assigned during history." Nightstrike had pawed at Midna's leg to tell her about the project. She taught her Morse Code and how she could use Morse Code in her animal form.

Midna nodded lightly and said, "Alright, then. My name is Midna and this here next to me is my guide dog, Nightstrike." Nightstrike barked softly and 3 cars pulled up. Nightstrike pawed my leg again and coded, 'There is a yellow and black car, a green car, and a blue and slightly pink motorcycle.' Midna tapped her right foot lightly to tell Nightstrike, 'I understand.' Raf said, "Well, we need to go. How about you could meet us at the park downtown tomorrow to start working on the project? Or at least talk about a good place to work on the project?" She said, "Alright, that's fine by me, Raf." Raf said, "Great, so we'll see you there at 2 pm? Does that sound okay?" She nodded and Raf, Miko, and Jack all said their goodbyes. She said her goodbyes as she heard cardoors opening and she assumed that they had gotten in.

The 3 vehicles left, but headed in the same direction. Nightstrike found it strange as to why they hadn't taken one car if they were going to the same place. She assumed that they were going to the same place and then she thought about it. She figured that the fastest way to each of their individual houses took the same road.

Nightstrike led Midna to their home in the forest. Their home was a small, broken cabin that was abandoned years ago. The cabin was next to a beautiful, large lake. Trees surround the opening on all sides. Midna and Nightstrike went to sleep to prepare themselves for the next day. They wouldn't have suspected that their Winter Break would change their lives forever.

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