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Midna and the bots were relieved when they heard Nightstrike twice. Midna cautiously went closer to the hole. She heard Raf said, "Nightstrike!! You found me!! Good girl!!" Nightstrike started wagging in excitement. Nightstrike shifted a little to the left and barked 3 times. She growled at whatever she spotted to Raf's left. The bots immediately got worried. Bumblebee beeped ::How do we get Raf out without him getting hurt by whatever else is inside?::

Midna whispered to Nightstrike, "You might have to transform to get Raf and defend yourself and Raf from whatever you spotted in the tunnel with Raf, Nightstrike." Nightstrike nodded slowly and dug a bit to make the hole bigger. Midna let go of her leash as Nightstrike went in.

Once in the tunnel, Nightstrike transformed and Raf gasped in shock. Nightstrike picked up Raf, but was hit by something. It appeared to be a grappling hook. The hook grabbed Nightstrike and threw her across the tunnel. She hit the rocky wall and then hit the floor. Nightstrike looked at what attacked her and growled darkly. She knew this con and she HATED him. The con chuckled darkly and said, "Well well well. If it isn't my old friend, Nightstrike. It has been sometime, wouldn't you say?" Nightstrike growled back, "I preferred to never to see you again."

The con came to the light created by Nightstrike's hole. He was dark purple with bright red stripes. He had the Decepticon insigna on his chassis and red optics. He is also a minicon, but he isn't a mix like Nightstrike is. The con ran to attack Raf, but Nightstrike jumped over to Raf. She landed on her peds in front of Raf and blocked the attack. The con growled in annoyance of Nightstrike's speed and jumping range.

The con tried to attack Nightstrike, but she was faster than him. She threw her right fist to the con and hit him in the jaw. The con went flying across the tunnel. Once he hit the ground, Nightstrike went into a defensive pose. She figured that he wouldn't get taken out in one punch, but he did. He laid on the ground unconscious. Nightstrike quickly realized that he was knocked out. She then mumbled, 'Wow. One hit, huh? I thought you could take more than that, baka.'

Raf said, "Wow, you took that con out in one shot! That was AWESOME!!" Nightstrike rubbed the back of her neck and giggled nervously. She went over to Raf and carefully picked him up. She jumped up to the hole. She ended up jumping through the hole instead of just in front of it. The bots gasped in surprise, except Optimus of course. Nightstrike put Raf down on his feet. She nervously had her right ped make circles in the ground as Raf told the bots what happened.

Midna lightly petting Nightstrike's helm as Nightstrike wagged her tail. Her nervousness and anxiety slowly going away with each second of Midna petting her. Nightstrike was taller than Midna, but by only a foot or so. Nightstrike sat down on the floor as Midna continued to pet her. Optimus was staring at Nightstrike and appeared worried. Optimus had noticed Nightstrike's anxiety and nervous behavior when the bots saw her.

Acree said, "So Nightstrike is the minicon signal that the scanner caught a month ago?" Bulkhead said, "Probably or it could be the Decepticon minicon that was in the tunnel with Raf." The low sound of engines grumbling was heard. The bots and Raf looked at Nightstrike who had a light blue blush on her faceplates. Her position was more curled up than before. Raf asked, "Was that you, Nightstrike?" Nightstrike looked at Raf for a bit and then looked away as she clearly pretended not to hear the question.

Acree chuckled at her reaction to the question. She said, "Most likely." Nightstrike sniffed the air a bit and her ears suddenly twitched up. It was like she heard something or a current scent that she caught got her attention. Midna felt the sudden movement and asked, "Did you caught the scent of energon, Nightstrike?" Nightstrike hummed and shifted several times. Midna stood up from her leaned position and said, "Let's get the energon, Nightstrike." Nightstrike hadn't said a word since she got out the tunnel. She slowly nodded and jumped to her peds.

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