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Optimus said, "My name is Optimus Prime. I am the leader of the Autobots." Midna listened closely as Optimus gave his speech. She quickly memorized his voice and where it was coming from. The bots introduced themselves and Midna memorized their voices on the few words that they said. When Bumblebee beeped ::My name is Bumblebee, but you probably can't understand me. Raf is the only human that we know who could understand me.::

Midna said, "I understand you perfectly, Bumblebee. Your beeping and whirls act exactly like Morse Code. The beeps are dots and the whirls are dashes. I memorized Morse Code since I taught it to my dog so she could communicate with me. She would tap my leg with her paw and that would represent a dot. She would lightly scratch my leg to represent a dash. She also barks for quick responses. An example would be 2 barks for 'yes' and 1 bark for 'no'."

She heard Bumblebee jumping up and down in excitement while beeping ::She understands me!!:: He repeated those 3 words over and over again until Optimus told him to calm down. Midna giggled at the scout's excitement to someone understanding him. Once introductions were done, Nightstrike had found Midna's blindfold. Midna put on her blindfold. Drift had rather enjoyed seeing her amber eyes, but he hadn't enjoyed that her pupils were white instead of black. Ratchet made it very clear that he was interested as to if human blindness is like Cybertronian blindness.

After 2 hours had passed, Ratchet asked, "If you don't mind me asking, how did you lose your sight, Midna?" Midna looked towards the ground and said, "It's a very long story."


Midna was walking around the house with Nightstrike. Midna's dad, Vincent, works for MECH. Vincent needed to get humans for Project Super Soldier. He asked his wife, Shepherd, about what should he do. She said, "Just take Midna. She's useless anyways, so might as well make her useful for something." He said, "Oh. I was sure that you liked her." Midna was peeking through the door and she was silently crying.

The next day, Vincent took Midna to his work and Nightstrike was told to stay. Nightstrike hadn't seen Midna for 2 weeks before she had enough. She escaped the house and started looking for Midna. She hadn't met Midna until 2 years later. Midna told Nightstrike what had happened to her.

When Midna was at MECH, her spirit was broken down. They tortured her and made her emotionless. They also made her obedient. There were other people with her, experiencing the same torture and pain she is. Once the obedient process was done, 2 people had killed themselves and the next stage of the project was underway.

The next stage of the project was referred to as 'The Experiment'. The Experiment is where everyone but one died. The Experiment was where scientists had the obedient servants drink different chemicals. The chemicals were designed to give people super powers. The obedient servants were the test takers of the chemicals. Everyone had died from the chemical they drank, but one. Somehow, someway, Midna survived. She was forced to drink 9 more chemicals to see if she'll died from any of them.

They scanned Midna and found out that 5 chemicals were successful in giving her powers. The first one was a dud, the next 5 worked, and the rest were duds. One chemical didn't give her the powers it was supposed to. The last chemical that worked was supposed to give her super speed and flight. In fact, they didn't know what powers she did receive. The last chemical wasn't as much as a dud as they thought. After Midna said that she couldn't see, another scan was done. It revealed that the last chemical wasn't a dud and that it took away her sight instead of giving her X-ray vision.

She was deemed unsafe due to her lack of sight. She was put in a cage underground. Little did MECH soldiers and scientists know that she could teleport and open portals. She teleported far away from the MECH base. 2 days after she teleported away, she came across Nightstrike and told her EVERYTHING. Nightstrike was devastated when she found out what happened to her owner. She promised that she'll stay by Midna's side forever. She also promised that she'll be her eyes, guide her around the land, help her in every way she could, and keep her protected from every threat. Especially if that threat is MECH.

×Flashback ends×

Midna said, "I didn't know that my dad was going to have me be apart of a project for his work until Nightstrike told me that she had overheard them talking about it after he got back home 2 weeks later. It was the same day when she left home to look for me. She told me through Morse Code that home couldn't truly be home without me."

Ratchet was shocked and the other bots and humans came in during her story. They were thoroughly confused and quickly got worried when Ratchet suddenly yelled in annoyance, "What the scrap is wrong with your parents for them to do that do you?!" Optimus said, "What are you speaking of, Ratchet?" Ratchet gave a short explanation as to what Midna and him had talked about.

The bots and humans were shocked and very worried when Ratchet had told them what Midna had gone through. When he was done, Drift walked toward the wall. He transformed into his alt mode and activated his holoform. His holoform ran up the steps and ran towards Midna. Once he reached her, he grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug.

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