(18+)Blooming Lilacs by CupcakeLucy

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My heart skipped a beat both because of how breath-taking he looked and how he said the word 'magic' .

Seven weeks into our relationship and I still havent told him who I really am. Tae is getting sick of me voicing out my worries about how Jungkook may take the information.

Its not that I am ashamed of myself, not at all. And its not that I think Jungkooks an intolerant asshole with prejudices either.

I'm just... not ready to tell him yet.


Things get a little more serious and a little more heated. The feelings run deeper, the passion burns brighter. Jimin and Jungkook move forward in their relationship and this is how it goes.

Chapter 2

Second date with Jungkook was as good as the first, probably even better – the puppies were so damn adorable, I couldnt. Seeing Jungkook smile so wide when he was playing with the small creatures is the best, most heart-warming detail from the day.

More dates followed and it was all good, so good.

We gradually grew more comfortable with physical contact. The touches were still very gentle and sometimes hesitant, but they were there and they always made my heart beat faster. I found myself enjoying the traces of his warm skin on mine. It felt great to casually reach out and hold his hand. Or lean over and kiss those pretty, plum lips. Or have his head in my lap as we watch a movie in his bed, basking in the precious moments of freedom between studying and studying some more.

Your hair looks healthier, I smiled sweetly, threading my fingers through the strands. The colour of his second re-dye had faded and the naturally dark roots were starting to show. Somehow, his hair still looked good. The contrast of washed-out pink with almost black accents at the very top appeared quite stylish to be honest.

Its all thanks to you and your magic, his grin blinded me for a moment.

My heart skipped a beat both because of how breath-taking he looked and how he said magic.

Seven weeks into our relationship – yup, its official, we are dating – and I havent told him who I really am. Tae is getting sick of me voicing out my worries about how Jungkook may take the information.

I'm just... not ready to tell him yet.

Its not that I am ashamed of myself, not at all. I love being a fairy. And its not that I think Jungkooks an intolerant asshole with prejudices either. Then what do I fear? I seriously dont know. All I know is that whenever the thought of telling him the truth comes to my mind, it makes me extremely nervous.

Instead of saying something stupid, I leaned down to press a feather-light kiss on his lips. Of course he didnt let me get away with just that. He sat up on his knees, took hold of my neck and pulled me in to mould our lips feverishly.

I love the development in our kisses too. The weight of lips against lips is sweet and all, but having Jungkooks tongue exploring my mouth makes me shiver with anticipation.

I bit his lower lip playfully, sucking it teasingly for a moment, then soothed the spot with the tip of my tongue. The action pulled a soft moan from Jungkooks throat. His tongue fought its way into my mouth.

As we kissed, his hands slowly lowered from my neck. At first I didnt even notice, but as his fingers brushed against my shoulder blades I shuddered and pulled away with eyes wide open.

Jungkooks hands immediately dropped.

Did I- Did I do something wrong? he asked, worry colouring his warm brown eyes.

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