Apples and Oranges by Mochiajclayne

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This book is by Mochiajclayne

Chapter 2ish

Jungkook's POV

I saw Jimin turning his back at me as he sits on the bed, using the phone book as his alternative table as he writes on a white sheet of paper when I wake up. The sun is too bright for my sleepy eyes. I can hear the waves of the sea and the low hum of Latin pop outside the room. Using my free hand, I hugged him from behind while my other hand rubbed my eyes out of habit.

What are you writing? I asked with my voice raspy from sleep.

Your letter, Jimins voice contradicts the fine weather. I did say that youll receive one per day.

Then wheres the letter from yesterday? I demanded.

Its inside your bag. Read it at your room, he said as he folds the paper. I didnt saw what he wrote because my eyes are still under a lethargic state. I cant make out things because everythings a blur. Jimin took the opportunity to maneuver us and I ended up getting pinned by him on the bed as he straddles me. I cant help but smile. Jimin is back to normal.

Youre strange today, Jeon, he commented. You used to be afraid of me.

Thats the context clue—used. I deadpanned.

Oh, Jimin smirks. You have the audacity to talk back to me now.

What are you going to do about it? I provoked him while smirking. He gave me an impressed smile but his eyes clearly scream that hes not done with me yet. Jimin removed his hand from my wrists and cupped my face. What the actual fuck. How did I forget about Jimin being ador—

Jungkook-ssi, His voice sounds so cute but his wicked smirk makes me think otherwise. Jiminie doesnt like it when Jungkook-ssi talks back. Jiminie is Jungkooks good boy so hell obey me.

Honestly, I cant handle this morning service from Jimin. Im jolted awake from the moment he began his cute ministrations. I feel attacked—no, let me rephrase that: My heart is attacked. Jimin is too adorable that I dont want to go out and show him to the world. I dont want other people to know this side of his. Its only mine and mine alone. Its selfish, yeah, but you cant blame me. I dont want him to spread his charm everywhere. Park Jimin already belongs to Jeon Jungkook—even though I dont know if he likes me too, if hes willing to risk himself to me, if he can overcome the dark parts of his life and if he can accept someone as thoroughly wrecked as him.

Jungkook-ssi, he called out once again. Why do have to be so adorable?

Okay, I said, faking an indignant expression. You got me.

You can never win against me, Jimin shrugs as he gets off me, his voice getting normal real quick. I get up, making a face at him on the process.

But Ill make sure youll shout my name, letting everybody know who screws you hard.

Jimin grinned maliciously, his confident stare directed to me.

Make me scream, then.


Monday morning without class is the best!

Breakfast was crazily heavy. Tons of take-out pizza, cans of Sprite, fried chicken, cheeseburger, hotdog, fries, donuts and cake dominate the left side of the table. On the other side, ideal breakfast dishes can be seen like hash browns, pancakes, cereals, eggs, bacon, fried rice, ramen, sandwich and a pitcher of strawberry milk. A sleepy Hoseok sits on one of the chair and beside him is Yoongi who fights the urge not to fall asleep. Namjoon eats his bowl of ramen with enthusiasm while Taehyung keeps himself busy at the kitchen. Seokjin doesnt touch his fried rice and eggs as he keeps of staring dreamily at Namjoon.

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