A World For Us by ShiraEl96

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This story is by ShiraEl96

The twitter is @ ShiraEl_96 and the link is https://archiveofourown.org/works/24081079/chapters/58044862#workskin

"Damn Jimin you look so good everytime you put those wings on"- Namjoon said as he finished adjusting Jimin's angel wings

"Namjoon, last time you looked at me that way we ended up doing things we shouldn't have"

"Are you saying you regret being my fuck buddy?"

"Not at all you have a nice dick, but I was so damn tired from the show and you fucking me that I had to call off work, you know how much money I make in one day?"

"Yeah yeah I'll keep it in my pants sorry"

"Thanks, now set up the camera I'm ready"- Jimin said as he sat on his bed.

He had a separate room with a little theme in it's decor that screamed angel, heaven, pure, innocent. Everything had light pastel colors and a few fluffy pillows and stuffed animals layed around the room. His viewers loved this set up and the image of innocence it gave him, even though what he did in front of the camera was far from innocent. He did his show twice a week, every wednesday and friday night and Namjoon always helped him film.

They had chosen these two days because wednesdays businessmen seemed to be extremely on edge, since it was the middle of the week and tipped him a lot online. Friday night, because after watching him, most businessmen went to see him in the club since it was the end of a work week, and they always tipped him twice or sometimes three times as much.

"Ok it's ready. Oh! I saw my beautiful model today"- Namjoon said with heart eyes

"When are you going to ask him out?"

"Yeah like I have a chance with THE Kim Seokjin"

"Who knows, maybe clumsy photographers are his type"- Jimin shrugged and chuckled as he posed for the camera waiting for the countdown.-"My hair ok?"

"As pink as ever, remind me to buy you more of that fake dye tomorrow you're running out. Ok five, four, three"- Namjoon counted down

"Hi daddy, did you miss your little angel?"- Jimin said into the camera with a soft smile and started the show.


"I'm just saying guys, if I was an exotic dancer I would make a ton of money"- Jin said as the four friends walked towards the park

"Dude no way, you might be handsome but you're way too tall, Yoongi would make more than you"- Hoseok argued

"Are they seriously discussing this right now?"- Yoongi rolled his eyes

"It's how they bond hyung"- Jungkook laughed-"Oh Jin hyung this is the perfect spot! Let's set up"

Jungkook had scheduled this photoshoot with Jin to try out the new camera that Yoongi and Hoseok had bought him to cheer up, even though he had a lot of money, his hyungs loved to spoil him.

Jin barely needed any guidance. He knew Jungkook's favorite poses and angles and they were used to working together, so the photoshoots were enjoyable for both of them. A few people stopped and watched as Jin was being photographed, some just wanted to see him, others waited for his autograph. He was really famous internationally and Jungkook felt honored to be able to take a bit of his time.

"Look at him this is totally his element"- Yoongi smiled as he watched Jin interact with his fans

"It's nice to see him enjoy these moments, he's always so stressed at work, unless Mr Sexy Photographer shows up"- Jungkook said as he chuckled

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