(18+)A World For Us by ShiraEl96

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This story is by ShiraEl96

The twitter is @ ShiraEl_96 and the link is https://archiveofourown.org/works/24081079/chapters/58044862#workskin

"You don't get it TaeTae he was different! He was just so sweet and he told me all these stories and even gave me his jacket while we ate together"- Jimin exclaimed. He had spent the night just thinking about Jungkook and his lips and the little mole under his pretty lips and his eyes and his everything. His friends had joined him for breakfast that morning in his penthouse and he would not stop talking about Jungkook.

"Yeah but he is still a client Jimin"- Taehyung said as he ruffled his friend's brown fluffy hair.

"And you said he was engaged too, he must love his fiance if he didn't want to cheat"- Namjoon replied

"I know ahh why can't a find a guy like him but single!"

"I'm right here"- Namjoon answered with a chuckle

"You only like me when I have pink hair and glitter"

"I mean can you blame him?"- Taehyung laughed

"Come on Minie you'll find someone, you're amazing and really fun to be around"- Namjoon smiled at him

"Thanks Joonie. Do you have work today?"

"Yeah I have a shoot with that hot model I told you last time, he makes it hard for me to focus"

"That's not the only thing he makes hard"- Taehyung winked

"Tae!"- Jimin exclaimed as they all laughed

"Well unlike you sad single people I have a date that I need to get ready for"- Tae smiled as he sat up from the chair

"I still don't know how I feel about you dating my brother."- Jimin said and paused

"My best friend and my brother. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!"- All three said in unison as they laughed

"Come on Minie, he's the first guy that has treated me with respect since we started dating"- Tae said wrapping his hads around his friend's neck from behind the chair

"And they make a great couple too, has Hyungsik asked you to make it official yet?"- Namjoon asked

"Not yet but I'm hoping he does soon, we are spending the whole day together apparently he has a surprise for me so I hope that's what it is"- Taehyung smiled

"Ok ok, go have fun and tell him to keep his hands away from you!"

"Yeah of course! It's not like we've had sex five times or anything"- Taehyung said mockingly

"One of those in your Busan home"- Namjoon laughed

"What!? In mom and dad's house? I knew I should have gone on that damn Busan trip!"

"I will make it up to you with a Friends marathon soon I promised!"- Taehyung said as he giggled and ran out of the apartment

"We have the show scheduled today Joonie don't forget"- Jimin said after he caught his breath from laughing too much

"Come on Min I'm a professional. I never forget your schedule"

"You're right, I hope Jungkook watches me tonight"- Jimin said with heart eyes

"Snap out of it he's taken"- Namjoon said as he rolled his eyes

"Can we play a little before the show?"- Jimin said with innocent eyes

"Fuck yes, will you dye your hair pink?"

"You think I don't know you?"- Jimin laughed and stood up making his way to the bathroom to spray his hair. Before he was finished Namjoon entered the bathroom and started kissing his neck

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