A World For Us by ShiraEl96

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This story is by ShiraEl96

The twitter is @ ShiraEl_96 and the link is https://archiveofourown.org/works/24081079/chapters/58044862#workskin

"W-what?"- Jungkook whispered

"We found him today, with our boss"

"N-no, no hyung he loves me, I was the one who cheated and broke his heart h-he loves"- Jungkook let out a dry chuckle before a few tears rolled down his cheek

"Baby he doesn't deserve your tears"-Jin said as he stood up and hugged him

"I've lost so much time with him. He told me he needed me, that he loved me and couldn't lose me! He made me believe I was this horrible person that hurt him but he was just using me!"

"He manipulated your emotions, baby you have to cancel the wedding"

"I will, fuck I'm so stupid! Five months! Five fucking months. I knew he was flirting with his boss, it bothered me so much. I was tormented by him about what I did with Jimin and he was doing all of this shit for five months!"

"You're not stupid Kookie, you trusted him. You're a good person"

"What I did was still not right"

"I know, but you've suffered enough because of it. Now you know he was lying, he doesn't love you"

"I need to go see Jimin"- Jungkook said separating himself from Jin and grabbing his car keys

"Shouldn't you talk to Minhyu first?"

"Oh um right"- Jungkook took out his phone and sent a message showing it to Jin-"I think this will do"


--Move out. We're done--

Jin smiled and nodded as Jungkook rushed to his car.

"Well that went better than I expected"- Namjoon said as he stood up


Jimin was enjoying a hot cocoa and some pastries when he heard loud knocks on his door. He stood up confused as he knew the only people that visited him had a key to his apartment. He opened the door and his eyes grew wide as a small hint of a smile appeared on his face.

"H-Hi what are you doing here?"- Jimin greeted an out of breath Jungkook

"The wedding is off"

"What!? Oh god tell me it wasn't because of me I am so so sorry"

"I wanted to do it weeks ago, when I realized I had feelings for you. I was stupid enough to let myself be manipulated into staying in that unhealthy relationship. Jimin ever since we met I can't get you out of my head, I should have left sooner, I should have ran to you sooner, I should have been by your side"

"J-jungkook I-I"

"Please tell me you feel the same, please tell me you want to be with me too"- Jungkook said as he grabbed Jimin's hands and placed them between his own. Jimin looked at him with glassy eyes and nodded.

Jungkook smiled brightly and pulled him closer, finally tasting his beautiful plump lips. They were soft and tender, just like he had imagined. His hands slowly left Jimin's and wrapped around the smaller man's waist, pulling him even closer to his body. Jimin wrapped his hands around Jungkook's neck and ran them through his hair as he made the kiss deeper.

"I didn't think our first kiss would be at my door"- Jimin chuckled as they separated, catching his breath

"I'm glad you thought about a first kiss"-Jungkook smiled as he pushed their lips together again. Jimin walked backwards, pulling Jungkook by his tie without stopping the kiss and let their bodies fall onto the couch

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