Chapter 14

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Akaza is enourmes trouble. The fact he wasn't able to find information on the blue spider lily was bad enough but he had failed to defeat a pillar because of those two annoying little brats.  The best scenario was being dismembered or ripped to shreds a few times.

But the fire the girl,Natsu if he remembered correctly,used still hurt. The lightning going through his body had stopped after a few minutes but the fire had still left it effect. Akaza had seen his skin peel itself off from the heat and proceeded to cut off the parts she had hit with her full might. Even then it still stung a bit.

He still had to report this to Muzan who had gotten a new location. He knew that sending a letter reporting his failure will put him in much more trouble. Muzan would see it as a form of weakness and proceed to punish him even harder. So fleeing was everything but an option.

He had arrived to his destination and proceeded to kneel infront of the 12 years old looking boy,who was Muzan. The boy had his black in a way that no hair would be in the way of seeing his porcelein face,he was wearing a white longed sleeved shirt who was tucked in his short which reached just above his knees. Keeping his head low and waiting for the permation to speak was the clever way out

"Did you find what i was looking for?"He flipped a page of his book,his eyes glaring at Akaza who didn't dare look up. "I unfortunatly wasn't able to find any definite information about the blue spider lily during my investigation"

He simply turned back his head towards his book his face showing no emotion. "Do you have anything else to tell me?"

Akaza had known this moment would come but had to stay calm to win this fight. "During my mission,I ran into the flame pillar Rengoku Kyoujorou and failed to defeat him"Akaza felt how Muzan gaze turned into a glare full of anger and suprise.

"And why is that?"He took a silent breath before continueing with his story"I was about to deliver the fatal blow to him when two girls jumped into the fight and took me of gaurd"He felt the glare slowly but surely turning into a stare of confusion and curiousity.

"They seem to have the capability to use some kind of blood demon arts although they weren't demons,they used the element of suprise to win using each time a new kind of form to distact me."Akaza didn't feel the gaze of his site on him anymore but definetly refused to look as that was a death trap.

"What were the abilties the used and what else did you remark about them?"His voice was low and calm,although Akaza was sure of one thing. The expression he must be making is truly horrifying.

To not anger him any further he quickly answered"The blue haired one seemed to be able to use air to her advantage,creating enourmous gust if winds with alot of pressure,she also seemed to some kind of ability to heal or boost somebody's strenght,speed and physical resistance"

The tension in the air seemed to rise to his dismay"The pink haired girl had the ability to control fire,her being able to manipulate it to her own will,she was as well able to use lightning in her attacks,she also seemed to have a high concentration of your blood"

He heard the sound of something falling on the fall and felt the piercing gaze of his sire"What?" He would be lucky to not get his head cut off by now"During the fight she went under certain change a black fully covering her right hand who had a weird symbol on it the other girl having it as well"

He was waiting for it until he heard a laugh. His sire was laughing he didn't know if it was directed towards him or anybody in fact.

Muzan was amazed. Those two girls had exceeded his expectations. One of them had being able to stop the blood from going through her veins at all changing her completly. This was just a joke.

The two girls who had chased him away. The two girls with the same mark as the one who helped that man who almost defeated him. The two girls with the similar ability as her. The two girls who had one the blood of a demon and another the healing of the moon.

The two girls he will kill by his own hands

Wendy placed a hand on Tanjiro's wound green emitting from it. After a few seconds she removed giving a smile at him"How do you feel?"Tanjiro placed a hand on the wound and felt it completed closed as if it never existed only a small scar remained to show the opposite.

"Oooh,it doesn't even hurt anymore!Thanks wendy!"She gave genuine smile her eyes closed showing she was happy with the result"Its nothing!"

Shinobu watched just a step behind them"Your magic sure is useful in these kind of situation Wendy!"Wendy smiled at her compliment. She was somehiw expecting hatred as she remebered how at their first house she was thrown rocks at when she used it to heal somebody.

Zenitsu trembled at the sight of Natsu tears at the corner of his eyes"Is something wrong Zenitsu?"The boy flinched at her voice"You-you ain't gonna hurt us,right?"He received a hit on his head from Inosuke who was just next to him

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"Zenitsu shouted at Inosuke before being punched in the face again"Whats wrong with me?!I don't just ask the person who just saved me if she is going to hurt us!Are you stupid?!"Zenitsu turned his head at Natsu who had stopped listening

He heard how her sound stopped and was replaced with cries instead. Her eyes stared into nothing and she didn't seem like talking at all"SORRY!I DIDN'T MEAN TO!I SWEAR!PLEASE DON'T CRY!"

Natsu snapped out of her trance the vision she saw weren't real. She didn't know what happened but for a few second she had seen Akaza kneeling down infront of her. She looked at Zenitsu who was crying and hugging her for unknown reason to her

"Hey,its fine don't cry"He stopped the hug. Her lullaby was back but with no cries only laughters and giggling. This reminded her of some much memories"I'm fine"

Wendy fell on the ground as a boy pushed her. She had two kittens in her hands protecting them from the harm of the boy. Yes she could defeat him but the kittens couldn't walk and would get in the way."LEAVE HER ALONE!"

Natsu punched the boy in the face growling at his vostility towards his sister"You monster!How dare you hurt my boy!"The mother came hugging her son"Mooom she hurt me!I was just trying to help them!"

-WHAT?!-Natsu would have punched him to death but she just grabbed her sister's hand and started running. Not to fast as the kittens almost fell off

Wendy cried she always did but this was a real cry of sadness as she was still. Natsu was angry if she didn't talk that means some one messed up bad.

The kittens rubbed theirselves on them. Natsu sighed looking at wendy"Hey don't cry its fine,I'm fine"

Thinking of that she wondered
Why did she lie?
Why did she smile?
She wasn't fine!
And will probably never be

This chapter is made so people chill abit.
As from now on it will be rollar coaster of emotions
Taisho secret Akaza didn't get punished because the information on the two girls was valuable to muzan
Love you

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