Chapter 21

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Harry was waiting impatiently for Tom to come to bed while reading a novel in Tom's room. He was dressed in black fluffy pajama bottoms and had a deep blue silk robe tied loosely around him and was subconsciously fidgeting with the hem. It had to be some time later, at least an hour, before he heard movement in the hallway.

That's odd, Tom usually doesn't come to our bedrooms for another hour or so. I wonder why he's early, not that I'm complaining...Tom opened the door and Harry stood to walk towards him. He was feeling much more confident than he had in the past. He had come to accept that Tom wasn't going to hurt him and that gave him the courage to approach the man in the doorway.

Seeing the surprise on Tom's face upon finding Harry in his room, he glided forward and wrapped his arms around Tom's neck before pulling him down into a kiss. He felt himself smile into the embrace as Tom responded, wrapping him in warm arms that held him close and kissing him for all he was worth.

It wasn't anything like when they were in front of the death eaters. When others were around it wasn't so intense. But then again, Harry was usually trying to prove a point when there was an audience. Now though, there was no one to perform for. Only Tom was there, and Harry was determined to get his mind to shut up for a few minutes. He had noticed Tom was distracted more often than not.

"Harry," Tom gasped. "What are you doing in my room?" The voice held only thinly veiled desire and curiosity.

"I've noticed you've been distracted lately with all of your political stuff and just wanted to get your mind off of it for a night. I believe you've been thinking too hard; all you ever do is pace and run over the same thing over and over again when you aren't holding a meeting to find out the latest news." He tucked his head into the crook of Tom's neck and practically glowed as firm arms wrapped around his back to hold him in place.

"Thank you, my Harry. I'm sorry I've been so distracted lately. I didn't mean to neglect you." Harry's heart swelled at the pet name and pressed himself closer as a hand started to gently card through his hair.

"There's nothing to be sorry for. We can all be distracted once in awhile." Pulling himself out of Tom's arms, he started to undo his robes and shirt. Neither one of them spoke until Tom was only left in his trousers and shoes. "Go take a shower, I'll be here when you return." With that, he took a running leap at the bed and landed square in the center of the decorative pillows. Tom simply laughed all the way to the bathroom.

"New Hatchling?"

"Yes, Nagini?" The snake in question slithered up on top of the bed and curled herself up on top of Harry to soak up his warmth while he petted her head.

"Why is Master Hatchling so opposed to New New Hatchlings?" Harry's face burned crimson as he tried to gather his composure.

"Uh...Well...He and I are both male. It isn't possible for two males to have New New Hatchlings."

"Yes it is." Nagini's hisses came off as very matter-of-fact, and Harry was briefly reminded of Hermione. "Master Hatchling talked of such a thing when he was searching for knowledge before he was solid. He said it was something to do with power. Master Hatchling does have a lot of power. I can smell it. You have a lot of power too." Harry felt his cheeks begin to warm.


"Yes, New Hatchling?"

"Why do you wish for him to have New New Hatchlings so badly?"

"Master Hatchling has been lonely for a very long time. I have only seen him with a few others and they were not around this long. He has always pushed them away. Even the ones who wished to stay were shoved aside. But New New Hatchlings...even if he pushed aside his mate, he could never push aside New New Hatchlings. Besides, I could guard them. I find myself lacking in a use for my venom and fangs." A wave of insecurity washed over him as he thought about how the others before him had been cast aside like they never mattered.

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