Chapter 32

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“Tom, let’s go! We’re running late as it is-we don’t have the time for you to lollygag about!” Harry was determined to ensure that everything with the orphanage went off without a hitch, and Tom running late wasn’t a part of his plan. Luckily, Tom was ready in record time and they apparated to Hermione’s office.

The woman in question was already there, filing away last minute paperwork and explaining how things were done. The young girl would only be there until Hermione finished her schooling and then would be leaving to move back with her family in Switzerland. 

“Hermione! How’s everything?”

“Morning Harry, I just finished showing Heather how the paperwork needs to be filed for you. Is Tom coming?”

“Yes, he was just behind me. No doubt he’s being coddled by an anxious Molly.” They laughed and the three of them gathered at the bottom of the main stairs. 

“All right, is everyone here?” A chorus of voices called affirmatives back at him. “Right, we officially open in a few minutes. There could be a ton of people coming all at once or none at all. Regardless, I’m so happy to have each and every one of you here to help me see this come to fruition.” 

“First things first, when children arrive they will be transferred into Molly’s care. Anyone looking to adopt will be referred to Hermione and Heather. Just so everyone knows, adoption applications can be filled out but we will not be accepting or denying applications for at least another week while we get these kids settled in a bit. Since only Daisy and Willow have uniforms you will only call on them if you need a house elf for anything. I know you’ve gotten used to calling on some of the other elves, but they don’t have uniforms made up quite yet. Molly?”

“Yes, Harry dear?”

“You remember the plan for different age groups versus siblings right?”

“Of course dear. I’ll do my best to ensure that none of the siblings are split up and keep everyone in the same age groups from there.” She beamed when the grandfather clock struck the hour. “It’s time, oh I’m so excited to have a house full of children again!” Tom rolled his eyes at that.

“With any luck we’ll be able to keep up with the pace of things.” It was several minutes of everyone milling about and talking to one another before the floo flared to life and a young woman stumbled out. She was entirely too thin, dirt was smudged on her face and she held a small bundle of tattered blankets. Harry smiled at her and held out his arms for the baby.

“Do you need a drink, or a snack before you go?” She shook her head but held his gaze with grateful eyes. 

“His name is John Perkins. I know you’ll take care of him.” Her voice cracked with underuse and she fled back to the floo without waiting for an answer. He handed the still-sleeping baby off to Poppy for a health screening and Heather went to document the results before he would be given a crib. Just as the blankets left his arms, the floo came to life once more. 

The rest of the day was a steady stream of children either coming on their own or single parents to drop off those too young to make it themselves. Some of the parents didn’t show any emotion other than cold detachment or relief with not having to take care of the children anymore, and some burst into tears before leaving. It broke Harry’s heart seeing how many children were either orphaned or just not wanted. 

Towards the end of the day, when the floo had been silent for almost half an hour, Harry turned towards Hermione. 

“How many?” She rifled through her stack of parchments before looking at him.

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