Is he your boyfriend?

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Katsumi woke up with a startle the next following morning.

She shivered from a glooming thought haunting her mind, Katsumi was sure there was nothing to worry about today.

A loud shout was heard in the Bakugou household followed by another shout.

Katsumi rubbed her eyes as she had no choice but to get up now, slipping out of bed and making her bed Katsumi wobbly made her way to her bathroom.

Turning on the light making the fire-themed room visible. Walking groggily to her bathroom Katsumi opens her endeavor toothbrush holder and pastes the toothpaste onto her brush then proceeds to brush her teeth barely keeping her eyes open.

Humming the famous flame hero's theme song in her mind as she spits out the substance and washes her face. As she wipes her face with her towel she smiles at her reflection.

"Another day, another breath," she mumbles, as she picks up her phone to see her lock screen as a selfie taken with her little brother in her last year of middle school.

Throughout Katsuki's years, Katsumi noticed her little brother's change in attitude ever since he met that broccoli haired boy she always sees. He's changed so much.

Slamming her door open was the said brother "Breakfast is ready, come down to eat or not." he said in a normal expression, although he did seem irritated judging by the way his eyebrow was scrunched up.

Katsumi nodded at her sibling "Sure, be right down."

Katsuki shrugged as he closed the door and stomped heavily downstairs.

On her way to the train station, Katsumi didn't find Khoii at the usual train stop they always took together every morning.

Katsumi tried not to overreact about not seeing Khoii that morning as she greets all her other friends on the way to school.

"Is everything alright, Katsumi?" Mirio asked snapping said girl out of her daze as she looked at him with worry lacing her eyes.

"It's just that Khoii-kun wasn't with me this morning.." she said quietly, eyes averted to the ground.

"Oh come on, Katsumi, Khoii could've just been sleeping in or something." Nejire mentioned trying to ease the worried brunette.

"He's probably up all night revising for that test," Kenta commented, Khoii was always a serious person when it came to studies and would pull all-nighters studying for any test they have coming up. Usually, his scores are always so averaged that it wouldn't catch anyone's attention at all. "But I am surprised that I even remembered about that test. Usually, I would just YOLO life, in general."

"Yeah, is it a superpower of yours?" Nejire asked. "Cuz' for some reason you managed to pass even with no studying."

"That doesn't sound good," Tamaki said.

"That's so cool!" Mirio said his face with awe "Don't you think Katsumi?" he asked straightaway turning his head to the brown-haired girl.

"There Mirio goes again." Tamaki lowly chuckles at his friend.

"Yeah, Katsumi your grades are pretty good," Nejire said, "I wonder if my grades would go up if I study like you!"

Tamaki just shook his head at Nejire as the said girl starting asking so many questions to Katsumi.

"Thanks, guys, in the end, I think I was just a little worried," Katsumi admitted blushing a little.

"That's fine Katsumi, I am sure that Khoii is just fine wherever he is," Mirio assured with a smile putting a hand on her shoulder making her return the gesture. "He might've just caught that cold that's been going around." his comment made the group turn their head towards the grape-haired boy.

"I told you guys that wasn't me!" Kenta protested, which caused everyone else to laugh.

Just as they were coming into class and sat in their respective seats their homeroom teacher stalked into the classroom and to his podium. "ALRIGHT EVERYONE! LET'S TAKE ATTENDANCE!" his eyes scanned the room and took note of who was in and whatnot nodded to his clipboard. "Oh, it seems like Khoii is not here today."

Kenta shot his hand up in the air immediately "Teach! Where is he?!" then he decided to just stand up from his desk "He never misses a day of school before!"

Next Katsumi decided to stand up too "That's true sensei, never has he ever skipped, not even when he was really sick." she said with worry lacing her tone. "I am worried about him."

Mirio took note of how her attitude seems to drop making the room feel gloomy.

"Well, his parents didn't call in so we're going to give em' a check-in." Present Mic said before opening the door out of the classroom "I expect the room to still be here when I get back, I'm talking about you Atsumu, Class-rep-Kenma make sure that he behaves."

"Whaaa" Atsumu whined.

"Yeah sure alright," Kenma said rather lazily before taking out his game pc from his bag right after the teacher left the room. "Okay everyone does whatever you want." then the class cheered and migrated to their friend groups.

Mirio came around to Katsumi and took ahold of her hand on her desk prompting her to look up at him. "It's alright, Katsumi."

In return, she smiled up at him. "Yeah. He's alright."

After Katsumi and her group of friends gathered with each other and conversed with each other their teacher came back in with a serious look immediately all the students sat in their original seats.

His face darkened as everyone in class looked at him with nervous sweat, "I regret to inform you that your friend Khoii Utsumi is-"

"DEAD?!" Kenta shouted, with large worried eyes.
"No, Mineta, worse-" Present Mic continued as his glassed glimmered "He's on holiday."

"Eh??" The class said in confusion at their teacher's reaction.

Then Present started swaying his hands around him crazily "That's right! His father called and says that he's on holiday in Cambodia as we speak!"

"Damn that lucky bastard, and even on test week" Kenta mentioned, a little too loudly for his classmates' liking.

"OH YEAH, I FORGOT ABOUT THE TESTS!" Present Mic exclaimed, "Thanks Mineta for reminding me." Then a chorus of groans and curses were pointed at Kenta. 

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