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"Hey Zion."

The tall boy couldn't believe it. The girl he couldn't get out of his head was there right in front of him. "What are you doing here?"

"Can I come in." She said looking over her shoulder. This conversation was really hard for her and it'd be easier to unpack if she wasn't standing in a hallway.

"Yeah." Zion quickly moved out of the way to allow Mel to have a seat on his bed. She sighed deeply and held her head down as she didn't know where to start with this conversation.

"Surprised to see you here. Considering you were ghosting me." Zion chuckled trying to lighten the mood, but the serious expression on her face never faltered. After a long silence and Zion just staring at the girl, he finally sat down next to her trying to break the tension in the atmosphere.

"Mel you good?" The girl just shook her head. She was still trying to gather her thoughts. As coming to Zion's house was suggested to her by a therapist. She knew she had to confront her feelings, but she didn't think it would be so direct.

"What's up with you? You can tell me if you want. I won't judge you." Zion said sincerely.

"Honestly I don't even know why I'm here. I've just been feeling impulsive lately. Usually I wouldn't do this."

Zion wasn't actually sure about what she was doing at his house, in his room, rambling about nothing.

"But like I feel like I should just get this off my chest because if I don't I feel like I'm gonna fucking explode." Mel finally looked up at the boy who was looking back at her intently. Mel didn't know what it was about Zion that just put her at ease, but for some reason when she looked into the light-skinned boy's eyes her heart rate slowed and she felt like she could open her whole heart to him.

"Zion... can I tell you why I don't date people."

"Um sure, if you want to." Zion nodded.

"Last year I dated this guy, Trey. And it was the first time I had ever really been crushing on someone like hard. And you know how that goes, one thing led to another and we start going out and everything was pretty great." Melanie paused to look up at the boy. Zion didn't know if this story was supposed to make him feel better, but nonetheless he was still listening.

"Well I mean it was all great at first, but then things changed. He started being more distant. Staying out later, partying more, blowing off our dates. Being real aloof. I come to find out that he's been cheating on me wit some two dollar hoe." Melanie lets out a deep exhale recounting the memory.

"And when I confront him about it, he turns it around in me. Tells me that I wasn't satisfying him, that I was the reason that he cheated. And when I tried to leave he told me that I couldn't leave. That I wouldn't find anyone better than him, because he still loved me, even though I was fat and ugly." Mel had a tear threatening to spill over, but she quickly wiped it away. She refused to waste anymore tears on Trey.

Zion was just watching the girl, as she held her head down. Obviously she had been broken before, if only he could've been the one to build her up.

"And I believed him. I did for a while. And I stayed with him, while he was still cheating on me. And he was just doing whatever to me, then neglecting me when he was finished. I think back and I can't believe I let myself get treated like that, but I didn't know what real love felt like. That was until I met Kiya. She was literally my savior. She helped me feel like I was worth something you know? And now you're probably thinking why am I telling you all this." Melanie took a deep breath. This was the part she was scared most about. Actually telling Zion her true feelings.

"I know what I've said before, that I don't date. And I thought I never would again after being abused like that for so long. But I've since I met you, I get that feeling I used to get with Trey and you treat me so good. And I don't even know why because we've barely known each other for a month, but all this is leading up to me admitting that I like you Zion."

Zion just sat there, dumb founded. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't know what to say, but he knew he had to say something. But of course Zion being the over thinker that he is couldn't decide on the right words so he just stared at her.

"So I guess the feeling isn't the same. I knew this would happen I honestly don't know why I came here." Mel hung her head low. There were tears starting to form in her eyes as she got up and tried to leave the boy's room.

Zion quickly grabbed Mel by the waist and spun her around in between his legs so they were face to face.

"What?" Mel sniffled out a single tear streaming down her face. Zion just kissed her. A long passionate, meaningful kiss that neither of the pair had felt before. It was really like sparks were flying.

"Mel... I like you too." Zion smiled. That cute stupid little smile. It made Mel crazy. Just crazy enough to kiss his perfect lips again.

Lo's Hoes
Late update but Yay I'm finally gone let them be happy... or will I...?. Nah I am. Also just for clarification this chapter happens like a week after the last one.

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