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The car ride home was mostly silent. After dropping his family off at the airport, Zion started heading in the direction of Melanie's apartment.

Once they arrived Zion walked Mel to her door and stood there awkwardly waiting for her to go inside.

"I'll see you later then?" Zion rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. Melanie rolled her eyes and opened the door. She stood in the doorway and eyed the tall man. Zion was confused so he just stood there, frozen in fear that she was gonna break up with him.

Melanie sighed and rolled her eyes at him. "Come in dumbass. Before I change my mind."

Zion followed Melanie into her apartment and they sat on the couch facing each other. Zion tried his hardest to avoid Melanie's gaze, but the girl wanted answers.

"So are you gonna tell me what the fuck is wrong with you, or just look at me like I'm an idiot? And trust me I don't like feeling like an idiot." Mel clutched her legs close to her chest.

"I- I don't know what you want me to say..." Zion folded his arms.

"Really Nigga? After you were being an asshole to me all night? Maybe you could start with 'I'm sorry,'." Melanie shouted.

"I'm sorry-"

"Yeah well it doesn't seem like it! I mean what happened? We were all good two days ago and then you just switch up on me when I didn't even do anything. You told me you loved me." Melanie tried her hardest to choke back her tears, but she let one slip. Zion sat silently; watching her. He didn't know what she wanted, he didn't know how to comfort her.

"You know how hard it was for me to open up to you. After all I've been through and you wanna start treating me like shit. You made me think you were genuine, but you're just like the rest of them. Why are you doing this to me?" Mel cried. She leaned on Zion's shoulder and cried. As much as she wanted to be strong and not break down in front of the boy, she still wanted to be near him.

Zion wrapped his arms around the girl. He listened to her soft cries and rubbed comforting circles on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry Melanie. I'm just so fucked up, I don't know what's wrong with me. I just got all these feelings about you... kinda all at once and it's... different." Zion finally spoke.

"It's not fair Zion. You have all the power and I hate it. No matter how hard I try I can't get these feelings I have for you to subdue. You're breaking my heart and still, here I am laying on you like a baby. I love you and it's so fucked up. Stop treating me like shit Zion." Melanie hit his chest with a small fist. "Do you even love me? Or were you just saying what you thought I wanted to hear?"

"I love you Mel. No one has ever made me feel the way you make me feel."

"You sure got a fucked up way of showing it."

"It's scary and crazy and I know it's fucking stupid, but I thought... maybe if I pulled away things would go back to the way they were. But I fucked up and I thought I'd just let you break up with me instead."

Melanie finally had the strength to look Zion in the eyes. "Yeah that was fucking stupid." She frowned, but then chuckled. "Look Zion, we both got a lot of shit to work out, but just talk to me. If you push me away all you're gonna do is make me push too. It took everything in me to not dump your ass back at the restaurant. We can get through this love shit together and we can take it slow for you if you want." She cuddle back into his side. The two shared a laugh as she parodied the words Zion said only a few days prior.

"Thanks Mel. I'm sorry I was being a dick."

"I know. But if you ever call me fat again I will get some niggas to kill you."

"I technically didn't call you fat I said-" Zion cut himself off when he saw Mel glare at him evilly. If he kept talking Mel might actually kill him herself. "I mean you're perfect in every way and I love you Mamas."

"Mmhmm, that's what I thought." Mel crossed her arms and relaxed back into Zion as he wrapped his arm around her resting it on her waist.

"We just had our first couple fight." Zion said, circling a dread a round his finger.

Melanie nodded. "You're right. We've been having a lot of firsts lately."

"I think we'll probably be having one more soon." The tall man stated.

"And what would that be?" Melanie questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Makeup sex?" Zion smirked. Melanie grinned playfully before getting up and walking to her room. "Where you going?" Zion asked.

"Sorry Zion, but I'm too fat to fuck you." Melanie said leaving Zion dumbfounded in the living room.

"Oh c'mon Mamas. I didn't mean it like that Mel!" Zion followed Melanie into the bedroom.

That night Melanie went to bed pleasantly satisfied and Zion went to sleep blue-balled and a kiss ass, but he did call his girlfriend fat, so he deserved it.

Lo's Hoes

This chapter was SSOOOO fucking ass at this point I'm just tryna find a good way to wrap this up because it's getting way longer than I expected, BUT make sure y'all comment and vote if u enjoyed luv y'all! And just in case y'all are new updates are SATURDAYS!

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