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Zion K 💖


Yes Zion

Ur so pretty 😍

Stop bein cute for
I whoop u 🥰



i gotta tell u sumn

Nigga what did u
do? 😡

so remember when
u said u wanted to
take it slow and
keep it lowkey...

well I kinda told
the guys 😔

so u just never want
dis kitty huh?

Baby I'm sorry it just
kinda slipped out

how does it just
slip out Zion?

bcuz they were
teasing me 😖


After Melanie left Zion went back to his room to chill, but was disturbed by Edwin, Brandon, and Austin.

"Zion!" Edwin yelled as the boys shimmied into his room.

"Why are you so loud?" Zion rolled his eyes.

"Was Mel just here?" Edwin sounded frantic.


"Is she still mad at me?"

"I don't know nigga, maybe." Zion shrugged. Brandon pushes Edwin out of the way for getting off topic.

"Y'know for two people that don't do relationships, y'all sure like to act like you're in one." Brandon smirks raising an eyebrow.


"Well I mean she comes over a lot, you guys are in your room for hours, and when she's not around you act like it's sad boy hours."

"Yeah he would know." Austin nodded.

"Don't you have a girlfriend too?" Edwin glares at Austin.

"Hey, this isn't about you. It's about Zion and how he has a girlfriend now." Brandon smirked.

"No I-I don't." Zion was not very convincing.

"Aht!" Austin pointed. "I heard that stutter. What are you hiding Z?"

Zion had a bead of sweat forming above his brow.

"Yeah Zion. And why are you so sweaty?" Edwin craned his neck.

"Why are you grilling me!? I... You know I have clammy hands... I um..."

"It's okay Zion just tell your friends what's  up." Austin said reassuringly.

"There is nothing to tell me and Mel aren't even dating! We're just taking things sl-"

"Awww." The boys cooed in unison.

"Man I never thought I'd see the day. Zion is whipped." Brandon chuckled.

"I am not whipped. Mel is just different from all these other girls. I actually wanna try y'know. See where this goes."

"I never thought I'd see the day where Zion wants to try." Edwin placed his hand on his chest a shocked expression dawned on his face.

"Don't seem so shocked. This single shit just don't hit like it used to."

"Wow Z. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we are proud of you son." Brandon places a hand on Zion's shoulder. Zion sends him a perplexed look.

"Nigga get off of me. I'm older than you. Fuck outta here with that son shit." Zion rolled his eyes.

|end of flashback|

so that's what


are u mad at me?


ur not???

no Zion
it's just the guys
it's not like
u told all ur fans


I will slit ur throat
nigga don't fuckin
play wimme

babeyyyyy I was
just playin

Don't do that to
me Zion 😭

I'm sowwy 😂

Well I might as well
go tell Kiya fore she
find out from Edwin

ok Ma

I'll talk to u later Z


Lo's Hoes
Short lil filler for y'all. The next chapter is funny I think y'all will like but idk. Lemme know what U think of this one in the comments y'all and vote to pls ❤️

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