Chapter 5

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Kotori immediately got off from Umi. She's still in daze because of what happened. She can't think of anything, her heart is still beating fast. Though it was just an accident she can't believe that she just kissed Umi.

Silence filled the room. Neither of them are talking. They are both looking away at each other.

"I-i'm really sorry U-umi-chan. I didn't mean that to happen" Kotori finally break the silence

"I-it's ok. I-it was an accident!" Umi said nervously

"I-i'm sorry Umi-chan but can you pls. leave me for now." Kotori said covering her face with a pillow because of embarrassment.

Umi agreed to Kotori and went home

'Aaaaah! I'm so clumsy! How can I face Umi-chan now? I'm so stupid!' Kotori thought with teary eyes

(The next morning)

Honoka and Kotori went to school together. Umi, on the other hand, has a morning practice so she went on first.

"Good morning Umi-chan!" Honoka greeted Umi

"Good morning Honoka, Kotori" she replied

"G-good morning U-umi-chan" she blushed then averted her gaze. Because of what happened yesterday, Kotori can't look directly at Umi.

Umi saw the blush on Kotori's face.

Honoka noticed that the two is acting strange. It's rare for the two of them to be like that. She ask the both of them if there's something wrong but the two of them said that there's nothing.

Class started but Kotori is not paying attention to their teacher and she is still thinking about what happened. She's just looking at the girl in front of her.

"Kotori-chan! Umi-chan! Let's go!" Honoka pulled their hands but Kotori pulled her hand back. She said that she will not attend their practice today because she has something important to do.

Since that day, it seems that she is avoiding any form of contacts with Umi. She frequently attends their practice. That continued for a week which made the other members to be worried about her especially Honoka and Umi.

Nozomi noticed that Kotori is avoiding Umi but she just kept silent. One day, after practice, Nozomi & Kotori were the only ones left in the clubroom. Nozomi decided to ask her.

"Kotori-chan!" Nozomi called her

"What is Nozomi-chan?" she asked

"Is there something bothering you? Is this about Honoka-chan?" she asked

"N-no there is nothingー" she said but was cut by Nozomi

"...or Umi-chan?" Nozomi added

Kotori didn't respond she is just looking down at the floor thinking of an explanation to escape the situation

"So... it's about Umi-chan. What happened? Did the two of you fight?" she asks worriedly

"N-no it's not like that" Kotori defended herself

"It's ok if you don't want to talk about it. I'm... no we were just worried about you. I'll go now. I'll see you tomorrow then." Nozomi decided to stop asking questions and decided to go but Kotori stop her and tell her the truth.

"Nozomi-chan! The truth is I like Umi-chan... I mean I'm in love with her! I know it's wrong butー" she said

She can't help her tears from falling. Kotori explained everything to Nozomi. The reason why she's been avoiding Umi, that she don't how to face her after what happened and that she's been in love with her since they were kids. Nozomi is just listening to Kotori.

On the other hand Umi went back to their clubroom because she realized she forgot something.

"Kotori? Nozomi?" she noticed that the two were still inside, talking. She's just standing outside their clubroom. She didn't know when is the right time to go in. She didn't want to interrupt them.

She overheard their conversation. She was shocked that caused her to accidentally dropped her phone.

Kotori and Nozomi heard a loud crashing  sound coming from outside the door. When Nozomi checked who it was, they were shocked to see Umi.


Waaahー This end the 5th chapter!

Thank you so much for your support and I'm really sorry for my grammars //bows head... See you next update... Bye bye~

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