Chapter 7

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"K-kotori... What are you saying? You're kidding right? Tell me it's only a joke! This is a bad joke you know! Pls.!" Umi broke down in tears

Eli tried to calm Umi down but it's no used

Everyone in the room became silent until Nozomi break it.

"Kotori-chan, can I ask you a question? do you still remember me?" Nozomi asked

"Yes, you're Nozomi-chan" she answered

"How about them?" she pointed at the others one by one

Kotori named them. She remembered them but when its Umi's turn

"How about her Kotori-chan?" the purple haired girl asked. She pats Umi's shoulder.

"..." Kotori didn't answer. She just stared at Umi, expressionless.

'She seems familiar but i really don't know her. It's the first time I've seen her but what's with this feeling... it's like I've known her for a while now' she thought

"K-Kotori... It's me Umi! Umi Sonoda your childhood friend!" Umi said still sobbing

"U...mi...?" she titled her head trying to remember the name

Kotori felt that she knew the name, it seems familiar but the more she forced herself to remember the more her head hurts. Her head hurts like it's splitting in two. She touched her forehead because of the pain then suddenly she felt a bit dizzy.

This caused the others to be alarmed. Honoka asked her if she's fine.

"I-i'm fine H-honoka-chan. It's just that I felt a little dizzy but it's no prob-"

She said but before she can even finished her sentence the pain intensified and her vision went black.

"K-kotori...! Kotori-chan...!" they all said in unison.

They panicked when Kotori suddenly lost her consciousness. Umi called the doctor immediately. They asked him about Kotori's condition and why Kotori can't remember Umi.

"She has an amnesia. A partial amnesia to be exact."

The doctor explain everything to them. He said that it's only temporary and her memories will return eventually. He also said to them that there weren't any abnormalities in her medical records so he, himself was also surprised. He advised them to let Kotori stay in the hospital for further examinations. After the long explanation the doctor excused himself.

Umi, who is quietly sitting in a corner, decided to go home.

"I will go now..." she said sadly

"Wait Umi-chan! Let's go together" Honoka said

Honoka wanted to accompany Umi but she refused it. Umi said that she wanted to be alone for now.

The other members were quiet when they saw the sad expression on Umi's face. After a while they also decided to go home.

The next day Umi was absent. She didn't contacted the others about it. They were all worried for Umi.

"So...Umi is absent today huh" the red haired girl said as she twirls her hair

"Yeah... Seems like it... And I'm worried for her" the student council president said worriedly

"Me too nya~" the cat like girl agreed

"How about we visit her?" the energetic leader of u's suggested

Everyone agreed to her. After school they visited Umi.

When they arrived, Umi's mother welcomed them. They went to her bedroom.

"Umi! Your friends are here to visit you" Umi's mother knocked at her door

"I'm sorry but can you pls. tell them to leave me alone for now." she said

"She didn't leave her room since yesterday. I asked her what's wrong but she just said it's nothing and she wanted to be alone. I'm really worried." Umi's mother said worriedly

They excused themselves and decided to visit Kotori instead.

On the way to the hospital Eli noticed that Nozomi is quiet.

'Kotori-chan... Umi-chan...' Nozomi sigh

"Nozomi? Is there a problem? You're quiet for a while now" Eli asked her bestfriend

"Ah... No... There isn't... Don't worry Elichi" Nozomi forced a smile. She tried to reassured Eli.

At the hospital the doctor said that Kotori can be discharged today. They were all happy to hear that. They all helped Kotori prepared her things.


Uwaahh! I'm sorry for the late update! T.T I'm kinda busy with some stuffs //bows

I'm sorry if Umi is kinda OOC... Haha. That's it! This ends chapter 7. Thanks for all your support and see you next chapter ^_^

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