Chapter One

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I was on my way to Circhester, to have tea or coffee with Melony, I haven't talked to her in about a year, I just wonder if everything's ok.
I was riding the Sky Taxi, when we were about to fly above Hammerlocke. I want to surprise Raihan before I meet with Melony since I would be pretty early, by about a day.
"Excuse me" I say to the trainer guiding the Croviknight
"Yes?" they responded
"I was wondering if you could drop me off at the Hammerlocke Gym, please?" I asked.
"No problem" they responded again
"Thank you" I said happily.
I was was dropped off right infront of the gym. I walk up to the desk.
"Oh, hello (Y/N), Raihan is finishing up a battle, you can wait in the locker room." the man at the desk tells me.
"Thank you very kindly" I replied.
I do haft to admit that I am attracted to Raihan, ever since we first met, but over time my thoughts only grew.
I entered the locker room only to find it was empty, perfect. I hid and waited for two minutes until I heard the door open and close. I peak to see Raihan on his phone.
I quietly snuck out of hiding, when I got close, I jumper cabled him, he yelled and quickly snap around to see me, grinning like a child.

Raihan P.O.V.
I felt a sensation throughout my whole body, I turn around to see (Y/N), grinning. Oh my Arceus, he's so cute, I think.
I rap my arm around his neck and gave him a friendly knuckle sandwich
"You little jerk!" I yelled. After that was done, we both laught our butts off.
"So what brings you to Hammerlocke? " I asked
"Oh nothing important, can't I see you face to face" he starts
"Of course you can, but I know there another reason to this sudden visit..." I state.
"Fine, I was on my way to see Melony, but I was going to be super early, like a day early" he replies in defeat.
"Well do you want to hangout?" I ask
"Of course!" he grinned, I blush.
"Ok then, we can go by the nearby routes and camp" I state
"Ok, sounds fun" (Y/N) backed.
"Then we're off"
Tonight (Y/N), tonight I'll ask, need to ask you.

(Old)Even Dragons Have Hearts (Raihan x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now