Chapter Six

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
After me and Raihan woke up, I went down to the city streets near the pokemon center to let mine and Raihans' team out while he makes the bed.
A few minutes after Raihan came down, the nurse came out saying the Eevees have made a miraculous recover, me and Raihan returned or pokemon and went into the pokemon center, and the Eevees were waiting for. The nurse said thst they were beaten and malnourished, but Eevees are notoriously nieve and easy trusting, they came right to us, Raihan knew I love Eevees, my mom had and Eevee then it evolved into Glaceon, it was nice to help take care of Eevee, I sadly couldn't find one on my journey.
"Do you know if they're captured?" I asked, hopeful that they weren't.
"From our records, they used to be, but their pokeballs were busted, so they're now wild." the nurse responded.
I looked at Raihan, with a longing look, he knew that I wanted to take them in, and I knew that he loves them just as much as I do.
"Okay (Y/N), we will each catch one, but I think it would be bad if we separated them, so I think you should move in, just so they can be near eachother."He said cleverly
"Are you using the Eevee twins to give me a reason to move in?" I asked.
He nods.
"Babe, My reason for moving in with you is because I love you, plus it wouldn't be bad to have a nice comfy bed to sleep on." I state.
He laughs, "Okay Honey, I get it, when we get back, you can move in."
"Thank you" I got closer to him, stood up on my tippy toes, gave him a big kiss, he was shocked, but kissed back.
"So... Miss, do you mind if we adopt the Eevees, here you have our fil-" I was cut off
"Don't worry, you two are very well known for the good care of your pokemon, I think they are in good hands." the nurse says.
We thanked her and took the Eevees on the sky taxi, we wanted to wait a while to build a bond with them before catching them.
They laid on us, clearly tired, and Raihan and I went on to mine and the Eevees new home.

Oh gods, so sorry for the long wait, but it's finely out, I'm happy that I got this chapter out, took me forever though, hopefully you guys won't wait that long again. Thank you guys for the support, you guys mean a lot to me❤

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